Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 is the lectionary text for next Sunday, July 19.
So, here it is VERY intentional - the evil, that is. It is actively, insidiously sown in the world, according to Jesus in Matthew.
The Kingdom is not just heaven, folks. We live in this part of the Kingdom, here and now, as it ALL belongs to God. Life in this part is different, to be sure, but we are called, taught and commanded to live the same values in this part of the Kingdom that are lived in that part, focusing on HERE and NOW, rather than "pie in the sky when we die." Being only heavenly minded means that we are only SELF oriented, and the commandment of Jesus to live Agape Love does not allow for that. Instead, it drives us to the living of "active commitment on behalf of the other - even stranger and enemy - especially the most vulnerable among us", here and now. It is just that we do that work of Agape while fighting the powers and principalities that would prevent it and devalue the living of Agape - the forces of empire values (greed, hatred, lust for power, desire for personal status above others).
So, Jesus posits this parable as a vision of how it is like in the Kingdom, here and now. There is no talk about worshiping Him, praising, tithing or being self-righteous here. It is about Agape - committed ACTION on behalf of others, out of a faithful heart to Jesus, to God.
Jesus is the giver of the Good News of Agape and Grace - our command on how to live faithfully.
Jesus sows the seeds of Agape and Grace in the world, and now we are drawn to, guided to and driven to the living of that Good News and Jesus by the Holy Spirit of God, who is relentless in doing so.
The field is the world, in which the seed is sown and in which the growth of the fruit is to happen.
The good seed growing into good fruit are those children faithful to Jesus and that Good News of Agape.
The weeds are the children faithful to empire, to the evil values of greed, hatred, lust for power and desire for personal status above others.
The angels of the Lord reap the crops, sorting out and destroying the evil and keeping the good fruit.
It is where this part of the Kingdom and how we live Kingdom values here and now meets that part of the Kingdom.
God makes it right in the end. God does the sorting of good fruit from evil.
And the promise is that the good fruit born by the Agape Love of Jesus will shine in the Kingdom, and the evil fruit born of empire will be horrendously destroyed.
Matthew attributes Jesus with very vivid images of the end. Nets with fish, Sower and Seed, Weeds and Wheat, Sheep and Goats. Either, Or... Good or Evil... Faithful or Unfaithful... we cannot say that Jesus in Matthew is not very clear.
So, here and now, what kind of fruit are we/you bearing?
Is it good fruit born of Agape and Grace that feeds others, sustains others and builds healthy communities?
Is it evil fruit born of Empire that divides, tears down lives and destroys healthy communities?
It is either... or.
We cannot serve two Masters, also according to Jesus in Matthew.
Kingdom or Empire?
In which will you live? With which values will you participate?
In which will you produce fruit in the world around you?
In which will you invest your life?
In which will you cast your fate for the end?
It cannot be both.
You are either weeds or good fruit, depending on which you produce in the world around you, according to Jesus.
Do/Will you produce the things that make for Shalom (completeness, wholeness and well-being) for ALL in Agape and Grace?
Or do/will you produce the things that destroy Shalom for MANY out of greed, hatred, lust for power and desire for personal status?
I do not believe that we choose to believe. Faith is a gift of God, faithfulness driven by the Holy Spirit.
I do believe that we choose to follow Jesus and be faithful in the living of what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us to live in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now. I believe THAT is faithfulness to God.
That choice is yours. Here and Now. Kingdom or Empire?
Pastor Jamie
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