Mark 11:1-11 is the lectionary text for next Sunday, in celebration of Palm Sunday.
It was a vision of the Kingdom of God in the face of empire. This caricature-like display of Jesus, ridiculous and even comical, was meant to help people to see the clear difference between the empire values of greed, hatred, lust for power and desire for status vs. Agape Love and Grace.
The Romans would march into the city after a conquest, and force an occupied, oppressed people to shout, "Io Triumphe" and throw garments on the road in front of the oppressors. The Roman displays of brutal force were legendary, and the people were coerced to recognize them.
Jesus resisted.
Jesus exposed the ridiculousness of their view of power, wealth and status, fueled by violence in hatred of all other people. Jesus gave the Kingdom answer to a people who needed one.
And the people, genuinely responded by lining the road with palm branches, and sincerely laying down their cloaks (for some, the only thing of value they had) at Jesus' feet. It was an authentic display admiration and devotion, as opposed to the coerced sham display they were forced to offer under and for empire.
But the people also shouted, instead of triumph, "Hosanna," which means "SAVE US NOW!"
Jesus is the King they acknowledge. Jesus is the Messiah they recognize. Yes, the salvation they seek is spiritual, but as with all things, political and economic deliverance and liberation are also spiritual. It is not about pie in the sky when they die. It is about being saved NOW from oppression, occupation and the despair that it spawns in a whole people.
Save us NOW, Jesus! Squelch the fake, evil wealth, power and status of empire!
Save us NOW, Jesus! Usher in the Kingdom values of Agape Love and Grace!
Save us NOW, Jesus! From this political, social and economic corruption, inequity and the devastation they produce in our lives and in the world, this part of your Kingdom, here and now!
Save us NOW, Jesus! Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on Earth, as in Heaven! For THINE is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, forever!
Save us NOW, Jesus! Bring SHALOM to this community - completeness, wholeness and well-being, with the peace that accompanies them! Bring it for EVERYONE, equally!
This Sunday, when you are waving your palm fronds, what will you be shouting?
With your mouth?
With your heart and soul?
Pastor Jamie
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