Sunday, April 4, 2021


 John 20:19-31 is the Gospel Lectionary text for Sunday, April 11.

Faith or Proof?  Which will YOU believe?

We live in an age in which many ignore credible witnesses when what they proclaim does not align with our own political, economic, social or emotional ideologies.  Many choose to believe politicians and fundamentalist preachers, rightwing ideologues and conspiracy theorists over scientists, scholars, good friends and even beloved family members.  We ignore the inconvenient, difficult truths and latch onto the easy, biased lies.  We are Thomas.

The beloved disciples witnessed that they saw and heard Jesus.  Thomas knew them.  Thomas was given Jesus' messages (in John) with the rest of them, that He must die and be raised on the Third Day.  Thomas heard the witness of Mary Magdalene that Jesus was raised before that.  Thomas still, boldly and proudly proclaimed his chosen ignorance and disbelief.

I understand Thomas.  I do not in any way want to vilify Thomas.  Thomas is me, too.  This was not normal.  It was not ordinary.  It was not possible.  This just does not happen.  Raised from the dead?  Yes, Jesus raised Lazarus, but Jesus was alive when He did that.  JESUS died!  This cannot be right.  His logical, practical and realistic brain would not allow Thomas to believe it.  Or, his emotions would not allow him to dare think it could be true.  He had been devastated by Jesus' death.  Maybe this was just their denial kicking in?  They could not bear to think of Jesus being gone.  Maybe it was some sort of group think denial that led to a mass ecstatic delusion?  Perhaps it was not Jesus who Thomas doubted, or God?  Perhaps it was the witnesses.

I have heard folk attribute all kinds of bad thinking, speaking and acting to their faith.  I have heard folk claim that God will save us from an environmental holocaust, so we can go ahead and pollute, waste and destroy the creation as much as we want.  I have heard folk say that personal salvation is all that matters in this faith, so we can treat people shamefully in our society, exploit them economically and discriminate against those who are not like us, at will.  I have heard folk say that they can ignore the Covid-19 masking, distancing and isolating because it shows a lack of faith in God to do those things, as if God did not also give us our brains and the scientists sent to help us.  I have heard folk defend hateful, greedy, power-hungry and narcissistic leaders who spout all manner of ungodly stuff, because some wealthy, powerful, hateful and famous preachers have told them to do so.  God sent witnesses to the truth, and they have ignored them.

So, Faith or Proof?  It depends on how you define both.  In this age, when faith has been corrupted and proof has been de-valued, it is especially difficult for us and our children.  Thomas is us.

I take it on faith, yes in God's power, love and Grace.

I do not need to have it proved to me that God is Loving and Gracious, and has redeemed and saved me by extra-ordinary means.  The Gospels are my witnesses. 

I will continue to see all of faith in this life through the lens of Jesus' teachings, commands and examples of how to live in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now.  I will continue to believe that the Holy Spirit of God points me to, leads me to, guides me to and drives me to Jesus' teachings, commands and examples for faithfulness with God.  And I will believe the witnesses of word and deed who speak and act in ways consistent with that Love and Grace, in the world - believers and non-believers, scientists and pastors, politicians and activists, neighbors and family - ANY who speak, write and act consistent with what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us in how to be faithful as God's children, here and now.  My faith is in God, in Jesus' Good News of Agape Love and Grace and in ANY witnesses who proclaim and live consistently with them.  The only proof I need is measured against that Agape and Grace for ALL people.  Regarding all else, I will remain Thomas.

Pastor Jamie

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