Sunday, February 13, 2022

If you want things to be different...


Luke 6:27-38 is the Lectionary Gospel text for Epiphany VII.

 Jesus here describes how we behave under Empire until Kingdom comes.  Until the hearts and minds of God’s people have changed to see the wisdom, sustainability and glory of life together under Kingdom, we must resist Empire at every turn.  If we are people of the Kingdom, we will live differently and see life differently.  We will also act differently, so differently in fact, that it will seem strange to the world.  The world has been so heaped in the values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status, that to act in a loving fashion will seem like socially deviant behavior to the world.  The world has been so adept at bigotry and hatred, discrimination and exploitation, violence and abuse, that to live otherwise will seem unnatural to the world. 

 In the Kingdom, we love.  We do not just love those who love us or with whom loving will bring us a return somehow.  We love strangers and enemies.  If we want to stop hatred, we must show something other than hatred.  We must get beyond our hatred and apathy to love those who hate us through our committed actions even on their behalf.  We must bless those who curse us and not retaliate violence for violence, but defiantly refuse to be violent and thus give a clear, strong alternative to the ways of hatred.  We must defiantly pay what is owed to those who exploit and show the world that this is not a sustainable way.  We must also help those who have been victimized by the systems of Empire that have destroyed their lives, showing mercy and compassion for those who have been beaten down, held out and pushed back by Empire and its adherents.  We must LIVE this Agape Love that we are commanded to live in order to welcome Jubilee – God’s great turn-around in justice, equity and peace.  We must do for others as we would wish it be done for us, an empathy that is all but lost under Empire’s warped values.

 Empire is all about how we can benefit from others, even through manipulation and exploitation.  It is about being on top or being next to those on top who have the wealth and power.  It is about gaining some status with them in order to rise above others in the hierarchical social stratosphere of dog eat dog.  It is about showing love for those who can do something for us, doing good things for those who can benefit us and giving to those who can give us a return on our investment.  The Kingdom is all about committed action on behalf of the other, even strangers and enemies and especially those who are most vulnerable and in need.  The Kingdom calls us to live the values of the Kingdom – the values that will counter Empire in every aspect of life.  The Kingdom calls us to resist Empire by living differently from it, so doing the right things for the right reasons.  Our reward for doing so is the favor of God.  Our reward for doing so is that it makes us faithful children of the Lord we say we love.  Our reward is that it makes us people who live in alignment with God’s values.

 You see, it is not about money or power or status.  It is about faithfulness.  If we emulate Jesus in our walk with God, we are being faithful.  Just as God is merciful with us, so we are to be merciful with others.  Just as God is forgiving of us, so we are to be forgiving of others.  If we judge, we will receive judgment.  If we refuse to forgive, we will not be forgiven.  If we manipulate, exploit and abuse others around us, we are participating in a set of values that run contrary to God’s values, and we help sustain a world that is predatory and unsustainable.  If we help others, give to others and lift others up, we are participating in a set of values that are faithful to God and God’s values.  We cannot serve two masters.  We must choose how we will live in the world, in every aspect of our lives.

 If we make money at the expense of others, exploiting them while holding them down for our own gain, that is Empire and not Kingdom of God.  If we gain positions of power so that we can control others and force our will on them, that is Empire and not Kingdom of God.  If we build ourselves up to greatness and notoriety by pushing others down, that is Empire and not Kingdom of God.  If we hate others and discriminate against them because they are different from us, that is Empire and not the Kingdom of God.  Empire does not sustain life.  It destroys the lives of the many for the unhealthy gain of the few, even ultimately destroying the planet for them.

 But God’s Kingdom come and God’s Will being done will mean generosity, even if it means our security is in God’s provision and not our own ruthless ability to gain more than we need as our sisters and brothers struggle to survive.  God’s Kingdom come and God’s Will being done will mean we share power with others so that they can live their best lives and thrive.  God’s Kingdom come and God’s Will being done will mean us lifting others up in humility and genuine love.  God’s Kingdom come and God’s Will being done will mean us actively committing to the well-being of people we do not know and those we do not like, because they need our committed action on their behalf.   Kingdom of God sustains life.  It builds up the lives that have been broken down and gives all humanity a sustainable way to live and move in the world.

 So, if you want Shalom, be about the things that make for Shalom.   If you say that you love God, then you must love your neighbor as yourself.  If you want a different world, live differently.  Resist the evils of Empire and live the truth and goodness and faithfulness of God’s Kingdom.  It really IS that simple.

Pastor Jamie

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