Tuesday, June 20, 2023

If we knew what we were getting into, would we do it?


Matthew 10:24-39

 Jesus was sending them out and had to make some things clear.  The disciples were not Him.  They were like Him and that was good enough.  He sent them out warning them that some would say that they are of the devil because they said He was of the devil.  He sent them out instructing them to keep real power and value in front of them, and not to fear those who did not have real life or death power over them.  Jesus reassured them that they are precious to God, though I have always thought that being told one is worth many sparrows may not be a compliment.  They are beloved children of the creation and God loves God’s creation.

 Jesus then launched into a message about loyalty to the mission and His Way.  They needed to have their priorities straight and not back down when it got dicey.  They needed not to deny Him when it got hard for them with others.  It was a tough love message.

 Jesus then offered a hyperbolic message on how His Word and His Way would divide the world, even families.  They should not be surprised when His Way puts them at enmity with others who are close to them, because it confronts the hateful, greedy, power hungry and arrogant ways that had become normative under empire.  Jesus’ Way of Agape Love flew in the face of empire’s ways, and people who had come to adopt empire’s normative ways as their own would defend it, even against their own family members, thus ruining their family holidays.

 Jesus, again full of hyperbole in order to underscore how important steadfastness to His Way is, gave a strong and difficult teaching on how much love it will take for them, even to comparing the level of that love to the hatred of any other loves.  Jesus pointed out that it was about going to the cross.  It is about knowing the one we serve and keeping the priority of that service in front of us.  It is about self-denial for the sake of all of God’s children in a world that teaches predatory practices for the sake of individuals getting all they can at the expense of others.  It is about valuing, not great prosperity for some, but enough for all so that all may have Shalom.  It is about living a different life, in the face of empire, that resists and challenges empire and empire’s values in every aspect of life together.   

 Finally, Jesus told them that if they find a life apart from His Way, a self-serving life at the expense of others, they will lose their life with God, and if they lose the life that empire has offered, along with its values, for His sake they will find their life with God. 

 Jesus was preparing them for the conflicts in the real world between living God’s Kingdom Values and Empire’s values in the world.  They had to go knowing what was at stake, what was at risk and what they were likely to face.  They had to go knowing what faithfulness to Jesus is and being willing to count the cost and pay the price of following Him and His Way in the world.  They had to go and build a better world for God's children by living the Agape Love that Jesus commanded them to live.  A lot was hanging on this for the people of God.  His disciples needed to know just how important it was.

 We need to know how important it is today.  The world suffers under empire still, and we must understand that we are followers of the one whose way may repair the world.  We must understand that of which we should be afraid, and understand that we can face it.  We must understand what our loyalty to Jesus’ Way will mean if we persevere and persist in living it, and we must know at what cost that may happen.  If we gain the life apart from Jesus that gives us everything we want at the expense of other children of God, we will lose our life in Christ Jesus.  If we lose that way of life for Jesus’ sake and the sake of God’s children, then we will know real, sustainable life for all people.

 Just so you know what you’re getting into as a follower of Jesus.

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