Thursday, June 1, 2023

Our Mission is Clear


Matthew 28:16-20

 “As you are going…”

    As they were out there living their lives under empire, their mission was going into the world in a different way.  They had learned about the Kingdom of God, God’s Will and how it was fulfilled in Jesus’ Way of agaph. Their lives were changed by it.  They changed the lives of others through healing and sharing Good News.  Now, Jesus was sending them out into the world of empire to continue to shed the light of the Kingdom of God on it, expose it for the evil it is and lead people to live differently in resistance to it. 

 “Disciple all nations…”

   As Jesus had called them, taught them, commanded them, guided them, lived with them and loved them, so they are to disciple all people.  As they followed Jesus, so others were to come to follow, not them, but Jesus.  As they were transformed by the Good News of agaph, so they were now given the imperative to bring other student followers who would learn the way of the Kingdom, Jesus’ Way, and transform the world through the living of that love. 


  Including.  It is about inclusion.  They were to include others, people of all nations, diverse peoples into the body of Christ.  They were not to discriminate or exclude.  Baptism is about inclusion and belonging, not just to Christ Jesus, but also to one another.  It is inclusion into a movement of agaph addressing the darkness of empire with its light, and about transforming the world to see that Jesus’ Way is God’s Way, a better and more sustainable way for all people to live, belonging to one another and thus, as a body to God.  There is no message about individualism here, personal salvation or “me and Jesus.”  It is about inclusion and belonging in the body of Christ together, regardless of differences.


   By example.  They were taught by Jesus.  Jesus used teaching statements while addressing the evils of empire before them.  Jesus used imperatives to command that they do or not do, according to the Law of Love.  Jesus used parables to teach about how the Kingdom is different from empire.  Jesus taught by example as He modeled the agaph of which He spoke and which was at the center of His message.  Jesus acted.  Jesus did not just sit and talk or offer thoughts and prayers alone.  Jesus addressed the evils all around and acted to counter the devastating effects of those evils, while teaching people how to live differently and be there for one another, resist empire and usher in the Kingdom of God. 


  Imperatives were given.  They were commanded.  Do not judge.  Forgive.  Love God and Love Neighbor.  Give them something to eat.  Heal them, share the Good News with them.  Do not live as the purveyors of empire live or adopt their values.  Do not imitate those in power, with wealth or those with great status.  Be humble, give of yourself to others and share power so that all have agency in their lives. 

 “everything that I have commanded you…”

  All authority had been given to Him, so Jesus OWNED the commandments.  His fulfillment of Deuteronomy 6 and Leviticus 19 took on very active, direct applications in repairing the world of empire to be reflective of the Kingdom of God.  Jesus made agaph THE COMMANDMENT.  We are to actively commit our words and actions to the well-being, completeness and wholeness of the other, even stranger and enemy, and especially the most vulnerable among us. 

 This is OUR mission in the world.  Empire still exists, in America.  People are still suffering under it.  The Good News of Jesus is living Word because it addresses this.  It is relevant because it offers Jesus’ Way of Life as an alternative to the way of empire, which leads to destruction and death.

 As YOU are going along in life, teach by example the Way of Jesus in the living of agaph, including everyone without judgment, and making sure they know they belong to Christ within the Body.  Recognize and obey what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled as examples of agaph, everything that Jesus commanded as we have witness in the Gospels.  

And remember, Jesus is WITH US to the end of the age.  That is meant to represent both comfort and accountability to us.

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