Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pearls among swine

   I read a blog recently that implied that people who do not succeed in worldly terms are not worthy of the church's attention or work... even quoting Jesus regarding "the least of these", and then Matthew 7:6 "Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under foot and turn and maul you." (NRSV)  It was a turning around of what Jesus said about  judging people, ironically quoting a passage that falls right after Jesus commanding that we are NOT TO JUDGE.
   By doing so, the seminary educated pastor showed his true colors.  The church is in a crisis because we have adopted worldly values that contradict Jesus' Kingdom values.  We develop whole theologies about our own gain and prosperity, when Jesus calls us to deny our selves, take up the Cross and follow Him.  We make it all about our position, power and prestige when Jesus teaches us not to do so. In doing that, we BECOME the dogs and the swine, because what comes out of us is an attempt to justify NOT following Jesus - to justify our NOT loving Neighbor as we love our selves.
   In the CONTEXT of not judging others, not considering them less than oneself and not deeming them unworthy of a pastor's advocacy, Jesus is talking about Grace and Agape Love.  Living undeserved loving mercy means not judging others, regardless of how we might think they do not "measure up" to some standard we arbitrarily determine.  Living Agape Love (self-less, committed action on behalf of another) means not judging another based on merit, but on their need to receive our active commitment and our need to give it, as people who profess to follow Jesus.
   In that CONTEXT, the dogs and swine are those who have no value for Grace and Agape Love, but who have come to value rather PRESTIGE, POWER, POSITION and PROSPERITY according to worldly standards.  They should not have what is Holy wasted on them because they have no value for Grace and Agape Love.   They should not be entrusted with The Gospel of Grace and Agape Love because they do not value it and will attack anyone who does, trampling Grace and Loving Mercy under their feet along with the people who need it, as they pursue their own prosperity, position, power and prestige.  Blaming the victims of the world's injustice, brought about by its adoption of ungodly values is a necessity for those who do not follow Kingdom Values.
   There are some who will just never grasp the value for Grace and Agape Love.  That is tragic.  But they should NOT be the ones to whom we entrust The Gospel of Grace and Agape Love, and the ones to whom we entrust the spiritual lives of people who want to follow Jesus.  I urge you to find pastors who will preach to you The Good News of Jesus in a faithful, actively loving and gracious way.
Pastor Jamie


  1. The dogs of Mt. 7:6 return again in 7:15, where Jesus portrays false prophets as hungry wolves in sheep's clothing. The main false prophets Jesus faced were the scribes and Pharisees; and they were indeed about prestige, power, position, and prosperity (as Mt. 23 shows). Jesus accused them of straining at gnats (like tithing herbs) while swallowing camels (like justice, mercy, and faith) (Mt. 23:23-24). If such "dogs" are welcomed into the kingdom community, they will trample over Jesus' values of justice (for the needy), mercy (compassion), and faith (in a God of justice and mercy). So we should not be like them, and not condemn a brother or sister in the community over a small speck (like tithing herbs) (Mt. 7:1-5); and we should not welcome them to join our community, unless we enjoy being trampled, and letting Jesus' values be trampled, in which case we are more like them than like Jesus.

  2. Yes, AND Matthew 10:5-15, when Jesus sent them out to work out of homes, He instructed them to stay where welcomed... if they would not treat them graciously or lovingly, being receptive to them, they should leave and wipe the dust off their feet from that place... not throw their pearls among swine... we are not to throw away this tremendous Gospel on those who will not only not value it, but who will attack those who do...
