Generosity is born out of an understanding of "(Agape) Love your neighbor as yourself", so that one will no more want to see a neighbor (defined by Jesus in Luke 10:25-37 as even stranger and enemy) go without what he/she needs than he or she would want to see that for the self - would no more want harm or misfortune to come to a neighbor than one would want that for oneself...
Generosity has at its core an acknowledgement that one is blessed with more than enough, thankfulness for that fact and a desire to see that others beyond oneself have at LEAST enough or as much in their lives, and the willingness to share from one's own abundance for their sake without recompense.
Generosity is the living of Faith in God to provide one with what one needs, after one has given of one's abundance for others who have needs, out of Agape Love for them. One must trust in the provider in order to be willing to share of one's present abundance.
Generosity takes some sacrifice of self, selfishness and self-centeredness in the openness to give to others for their sake with nothing to gain for oneself. It precludes the exploitation of others for one's own gain, stinginess with what one has and others need, the expectation that one need not give unless there is a "return" for self, begrudging others for getting what they need and considering others in any way to be "beneath" your self for not having as much and being in need.
Generosity is a force that brings people together as neighbors, and when done with all humility and grace, it is a powerful force in building equitable community.
Generosity transforms lives and changes hearts, as the giver and receiver are changed and their lives transformed by this active form of Agape Love. They become more loving, more connected and more open in spirit.
Generosity is a part of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). It is how God works in the world around us when we are willing to put it out in the world around us with others as an expression of Agape Love.
The word "Liberal" means generous in spirit and intention... open in sharing and treatment of others... beyond fair-minded to being gracious... tolerant, broad-minded, open, bounteous, free-handed, open-handed (Deuteronomy 15:10-11), munificent with gifts and towards well-being...
I pray that any of this may in some way describe me.
Yes, you can label me that! THANK YOU!
Pastor Jamie
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