Saturday, March 2, 2013


The nature of Greed is to be Conservative (to hold back, to turn within, to reserve for self), rather than Liberal (generous, egalitarian in concern over well-being).
Greed is never about recognizing that one has "enough" with a thankful, grateful heart and having a healthy sense of satisfaction in that thankfulness.  The nature of Greed says that it is not about having "enough", but rather always MORE... as long as there is more out there, the greedy heart is always focused on getting "it".
The person or nation that is driven by greed will begrudge ANYONE else who has more than THEY need, or even those who just have enough, because the value of the greedy is not about others having what they need or more, but about the greedy himself/herself/themselves always getting more, beyond "enough", and given that there are limits to resources, they want what the other has, even if what they have is much greater than what the other has - so they must do whatever they must to get what the other has at their expense.
Others then are not brothers and sisters in their hearts, but OBJECTS - a means to the end of more for "me/us", to be exploited so that I/we may have MORE, even at their expense.  Especially if more for them means less for me, even though I may have MORE THAN ENOUGH, I cannot have that when I have a greedy heart, because what I treasure is simply MORE FOR ME.  Anyone else getting what they need or more, then makes the greedy fearful and angry therefore, because it necessarily means less available from which they might get MORE, always MORE.
The nature of Greed is to not be concerned about the well-being of the other - only about gain for the self (or those who are just like self or who may benefit self in the future), and it comes in varying degrees.  Beyond having enough, concern for having more at the expense of anyone else who might not have enough, is a disease of the heart and soul.  It destroys both.

I personally know people making six figures in their households, owning boats and nice cars and living in what most in the world would consider mansions, but who out of fear of not getting MORE, BIGGER, BETTER all the time are angry because the most vulnerable in our country get help from our government (their tax dollars), and they REALLY GET ANGRY when it might be suggested that the wealthy have to pay ALL their taxes (with no loopholes or shelters, exemptions), so that the most vulnerable might have a better chance of having ENOUGH.  The current sequester is an expression of that on a grand scale, allowing the Congress to hurt the most vulnerable and the whole country economically, rather than require the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes, and in the long run there is a vision of privatizing public healthcare institutions, schools, prisons and other public entities for the profit of a few at the expense of the many, also eliminating any public assistance (except, of course the corporate welfare that would continue and be expanded).

Jesus said A LOT about Greed.  I address only a SMALL FRACTION of His teachings here:
The Rich Fool of Luke 12 tells of ANYONE who would hoard lots of assets and resources with no concern for anyone else in society... completely self focused... always about getting and having MORE... it does not end well for the Rich Fool in Jesus parable of Kingdom Values.
The Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 shares Kingdom Values regarding what happens when we ignore, step over and neglect the sick and poor in society... again, it does not end well for the Rich man.
Zacchaeus is a refreshing example of repentance for one who was all about Greed, but who encountered Jesus and allowed that to transform his heart and life (Luke 19).
The Sheep and Goats in Matthew 25 is JESUS' VISION of His return to make things right, and it does not bode well for those who thought they were sheep because they offered worship, praise and tithes, but found out they are goats because they had no concern for the most vulnerable.
Jesus said it will be VERY HARD for the rich to enter the Kingdom because of their conservative consideration of only self and disease of affluenza (desire to be affluent... always have MORE)... Luke 18:18-25... because their values are NOT Kingdom Values...
Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Luke 12:32-34
Jesus also said, regarding religious and political leaders who are duplicitous and corrupt in their motives, "you will know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:15-23

What Value drives you in YOUR life?
Are your values in line with Jesus' Kingdom Values?
Are our nation's values in line with Jesus' Kingdom Values?

Pastor Jamie

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