Sunday, May 18, 2014

"for more profit" = Greed= Destruction

It was "for more profit"...

    that people worked 7 days a week at barely subsistence level wages in the first "gilded age", while millionaires reaped the benefits...
    that their children did not go to school, but worked in the factories, mines and fields as well
    that anyone who talked of strikes was fired, and when strikes occurred, paid thugs started riots and the police dispersed legally assembled crowds, in some cases, the national guard FIRED ON them...
                all "for more profit"...

And then...
    government safeguards for workers and salaries, job security were pushed out (1981 and following)...
    regulations on overuse of natural resources of lumber, fish and other foods, water were thrown out
    regulations on pollution were disregarded and then thrown out
    regulations on destroying our forests, lakes, habitats and lands were thrown out
    safety regulations on drilling, mining, factories...
                all "for more profit" ...

And now...
    wages are below subsistence level again...
    workers' rights are being dismantled... job security is no more...
    people are laid off or fired on a whim...
    jobs are still being shipped overseas...
    schools are more and more privatized, so SOME children can't get or stay in...
    prisons are privatized, so that MORE people need to be locked up...
    government is bought by the wealthy (again)...
    we ignore the pollution of our air, water, land...
    we destroy rainforests and other habitats...
    we waste natural resources...
    we get involved in wars and conflicts because there are financial gains to be had in them...
all, "for more profit", not for all or even for most, but for a select FEW, at the expense of the many and the whole planet we live on... the greedy obsession with quick profit drives the greedy to do whatever to whomever or whatever for their own gain...

and somehow... people think this is ok, good or normal...

GREED is IMMORAL.  It destroys life.

Pastor Jamie

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