People who have claimed that we live in a "post-racism" age, are either VERY optimistic, delusional or actively trying to get away with their blatant racism. Since 2008 (yes, THE election), we have seen a RETURN to normalized hatred. Provoked by the election of a person of color to the Presidency, the racism of some that was once a slow, low burning and thinly covered ember of false entitlement and hatred under the surface, got oxygen and erupted into flames. Further fueled by the rhetoric of the political "right" and their propaganda machine talking heads, it continues to flame up and threatens to consume the soul of our nation. What once was almost universally rejected as unacceptable verbiage is now common place again, as people who are emboldened by the radical racists feel comfortable spewing their petty and hateful bile publicly again. The taking away of public funding for urban poor even as high party officials vomit up their disdain for "those people" (and we all know who "those people" are), has been accepted by both parties in Congress. Voter suppression efforts have been justified out of the thinly veiled concern over "voter fraud", have been exposed as RACISM, made clear because of its virtual non-existence.
I live in Georgia, so I am not surprised to see blatant racism demonstrated openly around me. It is unfortunate, but true. But it seems that the intolerance of the WHOLE nation has reached a new high (LOW), and the rhetoric, actions and even laws that have been passed are CLEARLY expressions of that. Rational people knew that "Stand Your Ground" laws were written for gun toting whites in Florida, Georgia and elsewhere. The ways they have been selectively used in favor of whites surprises none of us. That they have not been summarily thrown out is beyond us, however, along with the new "carry anywhere in public" laws that a few, backward states have also been passing. Just when I thought Gerrymandering was the most blatant acceptable form of racial discrimination in elections, then states that had to be monitored because of their history of blatant racism were let "off the hook" by the Supreme Court, and now can use voter suppression laws and ARE using them to guarantee that the party that favors wealthy over poor and middle class, the party that stands for the majority (not of number, but of power) in the nation always being wealthy and white, the party that has consistently, persistently and systematically done all they can to keep people of color down and out gets more control and stays in power.
The false sense of entitlement, out of ethnocentrism and xenophobia was provoked by the election of this President. The obstructionist Congress actively kills efforts to help the economy of the WHOLE nation, help the WHOLE nation with affordable healthcare and improve the life of the WHOLE nation in other ways (ecologically, energy, jobs, organized labor, living wage, etc., etc.) just to punish this President... they hurt EVERYONE to hurt him (the new racism), and people support them out of their own hatreds (the new classism). Now, the hateful words and actions, even laws regarding their bodies are now being felt more deeply by women in our nation, as even the possibility of Hillary Clinton running is out there (the new sexism). The anti-gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgender rhetoric and actions are being felt and even exported abroad by those on the political and "Christian" right, even as more equal rights have been gained in recent years for them (the new homophobia). Those who feel threatened by these things expose their hearts of hatred, intolerance and greed over and over again by their words and actions. Their words and actions do not demonstrate righteousness or morality, purity of motive or integrity. They demonstrate the HATRED in their hearts. That some call themselves "Christians" is truly troubling. That some of them consider themselves "human" is even dubious. Can we be fully HUMAN and be so hateful and intolerant of others? Isn't there some level of arrested (human, moral) development being demonstrated here?
Put Love, Joy, Peace, Tolerance, Acceptance, Equality, Equity and Justice out there, my sisters and brothers who would truly follow Jesus or ANY sense of human decency. I am with you. Pray and WORK for the day when LOVE conquers HATRED, even more consistently, intentionally and persistently than their efforts.
Pastor Jamie
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