Luke 12:22-31
So, as Jesus was teaching the masses of people, He taught His disciples that they should not worry about what they would eat or wear, because the meaning of life is not found in that. He taught about how God provides ENOUGH for all living things. Jesus referred to those who did not follow Him as "the nations", those whose values were not Kingdom of God values, but rather having MORE for themselves than they needed, because what they treasured was not the spiritual things that bind us in this part of God's Kingdom, but rather more THINGS for themselves.
Jesus ended with this Imperative for any who would follow HIM -
"Instead, strive for God's Kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well."
Our striving should not be wrapped up in material things to feed or clothe our families or our selves. Our striving should be the living of Agape Love in the world around us that Jesus made His central teaching on how to live life in God's Kingdom.
If "the nations" were not all about obtaining MORE, always MORE for themselves and hoarding it, like the Rich Fool, a lesson Jesus had just taught (Luke 12:16-21), then other folk in the world would not have to worry about from where their shelter, food and clothing would come. We are ALL supposed to have ENOUGH in the Kingdom, yes, even THIS PART of God's Kingdom, according to Jesus. If we valued the Agape Love that Jesus taught, commanded and modeled, everyone WOULD have enough. It is because many of us seek Mammon that others struggle just to live. This is not a provision problem, but one of distribution. The ruthless take more than they need, so others do not have what they need.
Even in the church, by those who claim to follow Jesus, for many the striving has been for MORE WEALTH in their Greed, MORE POWER in their POSITION and MORE PRESTIGE in their RECOGNITION, rather than for the Kingdom values of Agape Love. As a consequence, many "Christians" are being taught that the REWARD for adhering to their pastor's or bishop's teachings is that they will gain in wealth, power and prestige. They are taught that the striving is in Worship and Praise, Tithes and faith in a quid pro quo with God - a transaction - a formula that God must bless that enriches them individually, and rewards them with worldly gain. That is NOT what Jesus taught, commanded or modeled for His followers. Jesus' Agape Love leads us to ENOUGH for ALL. These things lead to SOME having MOST and FEW having ENOUGH. Jesus' Kingdom values lead us to radical community, justice and peace. They lead us ALL to Shalom - completeness, wholeness and well-being.
The striving, for those who WOULD TRULY follow Jesus, is in the living of Agape Love and Grace in the world around us, THIS PART of God's Kingdom. When we strive to fulfill that Greatest Command, then EVERY PERSON WILL HAVE ENOUGH and we can ALL then strive to greater, spiritual well-being and community. THIS is what God values, according to Jesus, the fulfiller of Law and Prophets, Savior and called Lord.
This is a radical notion. It is radical because very few are living it. Many have been taught to seek the Kingdom THROUGH worldly possessions, or expect them as a sign of kingdom blessings. That is NOT what Jesus taught, commanded or modeled for us. For Jesus, it is about lifting one another up as we walk with God.
We who would truly follow Jesus, must STRIVE FOR GOD'S KINGDOM, first in how we LIVE Jesus' Kingdom values in Agape Love, making a difference in the world with those who have been held out, back or down by others... and then in how we teach others what Jesus truly taught, commanded and modeled. This is a daunting task, because many have abandoned Jesus' Good News for twisted, false teachings that support their love for wealth, power and prestige. In the face of that, those who want to follow Jesus must get back to His fulfillment of Law and Prophets, and the living of His Greatest Commandment - Agape for God and for Neighbor (who Jesus defines as even stranger and enemy). The focus cannot be on the outcome, lest we get disillusioned in the face of the false prophets and quit, but rather in the STRIVING itself toward what is faithful to Jesus our Lord.
How do I know if my Preacher or Bishop is teaching Jesus' Kingdom values?
1. Is she/he preaching about what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled, or something else?
2. By their FRUITS you will know them. What are they LIVING as values in THIS PART
of God's Kingdom? Is it Agape - self-less, unconditional active commitment on behalf of the
other, even stranger and enemy?
How do I know if my values are in line with Jesus' Kingdom values?
1. Are you living what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us? Read the Gospels and pay
attention to what Jesus taught, commanded (imperative statements) and modeled in the world.
2. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Do you more treasure and love material
possessions, power over others and prestige or recognition... or do you more treasure seeing
that all around you have enough and are living in well-being? Is THAT what you love and
STRIVE FOR GOD'S KINGDOM, as Jesus has revealed its values to us.
You will be blessed. Others will be blessed. For all will have ENOUGH out of Love for One Another.
Pastor Jamie
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