Saturday, December 28, 2013

obstructionist de-constructionists... and the soul of America

You have seen it before.  If someone cannot get their way, they at least make sure someone else does not get theirs...
Well, on a grander scale, that is CLEARLY what is going on with this Republican-dominated Congress.

They have done EVERYTHING to slow or stop the recovery of our economy for ONE REASON - to make this President appear to fail.

They have done EVERYTHING they could to repeal the ACA, which promises to help millions of our citizens with much needed healthcare.

They have done EVERYTHING they could to keep people unemployed...

to take away unemployment benefits...

to take food out of children's mouths...

to keep nominees from being appointed...

to help the wealthy not have to pay taxes, while taking away from the poor and claiming to desire to balance the budget...

to strip away educational advances...

to eliminate, rather than create jobs here at home...

to strip away any workers' rights or power, giving business owners, exec's, managers free reign...

to obstruct any progress and de-construct any progress that HAS been made...

TO DISCREDIT THIS PRESIDENT (gee, still trying to figure out why they hate HIM so much)





and STILL people support them, some even while claiming to follow JESUS... really??????

If you have never voted in a mid-term election before...

REMEMBER 2010 and VOTE!!!!!!!

The lives of MANY and the SOUL OF AMERICA lie in the balance!

Pastor Jamie

Friday, December 20, 2013

Class Warfare

I am alternately amused and angered over claims that resistance to rampant greed constitute "class warfare" and accusations about some wanting to "redistribute the wealth".
I am amused, because until now, it has been,  not a war, but a massacre.  No one has fought back regarding the inequities of class in America.
I am angered, because so many people have been hurt for so long that it has become the "norm" in American economics, and it should not be the norm anywhere.

In 1981 (yes, Reagan), de-regulation by government, privatization of mental health, privatization of other institutions and industries became the way of making money for some on the backs of others.  Hiring people only part-time to avoid paying benefits became popular.  Laying people off so that there is more profit for stock-holders and owners, and bonuses for CEO's who did the lay-offs became the norm.  Sending jobs overseas for cheap labor, cheap natural resources and unregulated pollution became the norm.  Cutting quality benefits and then benefits at all became the norm.  Attacks on organized labor that stood up to the greed of management and balanced the power for workers was the norm, even to the point of gutting the power of unions.  The cry to cut programs that helped the unemployed and the poorest in our society became louder, claiming that it was to balance the budget, while lessening the taxes paid by the wealthiest Americans toward our budget and getting ourselves into military conflicts that cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, and which also produced more enemies around the globe.  By these efforts, perfected in the Bush Administration(s), wealth was effectively re-distributed from the middle-class, now marginally poor class, to those already wealthy.  It was class warfare on the poor and middle class, but because the progressives were silent, the church was silent and the population, focused on getting a little more for themselves and hoping someday to be in the 1% club, were silent, it was a massacre and not a war.

Now, when anyone talks about making opportunities for economic stability more possible for more of the population, those with the power and wealth cry, "Class Warfare" and that in some "socialistic" fashion, the evil capitalism haters want to "re-distribute the wealth", as if that is not exactly what they have been doing, at will with no resistance, for over 32 years.

Yes.  It is time to make things more equitable in our country.
Yes.  It is time for us to stop being massacred economically, racially and on other battle lines, and engage in CLASS WARFARE, fighting back with liberty and justice for ALL.
Yes.  It is time that WE THE PEOPLE, re-distribute the POSSIBILITY OF WEALTH in this nation.

You see, laissez-faire capitalism is NOT Democracy.  In fact, as more politicians are bought by those in power and wealth, and as the Supreme Court is appointed by those who favor wealth and power over others, and as the rules are stacked against the poor and middle class - made by the wealthy and powerful, and as those with power and wealth consistently, persistently and systematically take away the rights of those who are poor, mostly brown and black to vote, it is clear that laissez-faire capitalism is ANTI-DEMOCRACY...  GREED is a horrible principle upon which a nation lives, LUST FOR POWER and WEALTH is a horrible guiding principle for a nation.  It leads us to... well... the immoral and unethical state in which we now live.

RE-DISTRIBUTE the POSSIBILITY of economic stability in this nation.
Engage in assertive, non-violent CLASS WARFARE.
That is true, Democratic Patriotism.

Pastor Jamie

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


In 1988, the top 1% of population economically,
    took/received 12% of the nation's income
    and controlled 33% of the nation's wealth
Today, the top 1% of the population economically,
    take/receive nearly 25% of the nation's income
    and control 40% of the nation's wealth.

It is heading in the wrong direction for a democracy
    of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE-
    ALL of us... don't you think?

Our nation's population is 317,267,000 today.
3,172,670 people receive all that wealth and control all
    that wealth,

YET, rather than tax them what is fair for them to pay,

we are cutting Unemployment and Unemployment
    Insurance for 1,000,000 people who are struggling...
    at the insistence of Republicans in Congress

we are cutting food stamps to 48,000,000 people in the
    amount of $76.4 billion,
    at the insistence of Republicans in Congress.

What's wrong with this picture?

Of WHAT people, by WHAT people, for WHAT people?

It is time for peaceful, insistent revolution.
It is time that ALL the people be represented and thrive.
It is time for us to demand that and vote for it.

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, December 14, 2013

For the record

Read the Gospels.  It will take you maybe four evenings.  Concentrate on what Jesus is witnessed as SAYING and DOING, what Jesus commanded (Imperative mood statements), taught and exemplified.  What you will find...

Jesus said NOTHING about homosexuality.
Jesus said A LOT about...
     Abuses of Power
     Inequities of Power
     Kingdom of God Values
     Judging others
     Loving neighbor
     Loving enemy
     Helping those in need
     Actively lifting others up
     Being Gracious and Merciful
     Being Hospitable
     Giving based on others' need and not their merit
     Denying self
     Following what HE taught, commanded, exemplified
Jesus was NOT a Capitalist, a political or social conservative, American or Caucasian

Re-read what the one you call "Savior", who is LORD, the fulfiller of Law and Prophets,
     taught and exemplified in the Gospels...
Then, follow what Jesus taught in how you live in the world...

It is pretty simple, really, just HARD TO LIVE...
     this world NEEDS people who will live what Jesus taught and exemplified...

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Profit Principle

When profit is your only principle,
when more for self is what primarily drives you,
then what you put out in the world around you will be
exploitative, predatory and anti-Christ.

When your only concern or chief concern is more for self and those just like you,
then you are unable to see the negative effects of your practices in the world around you,
or being able to see, you will be unable to care.

When the driving force in your life is obtaining more, always more,
then what you will have less of is compassion, empathy or love for others.

Greed, lust for power and desire for prestige and position
are very self-oriented, and exclusionary by nature... it is always "more than",
because there are limited resources... it is always power over others... always
more prestige than or position over someone else... that which puts one "over"
others flies in the face of the teachings and examples of Jesus. 

It is impossible to both, give our devotion to these idols (self), and live
the Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other) that Jesus
commanded.  It is therefore impossible to claim the name of Jesus in any
genuine way, and live out of the principle of "more for self" above all else...

There are MANY, therefore, who believe they are sheep of the Shepherd,
who will find out they are goats, I am afraid, because their idolatry of self
has prevented them from feeding the hungry, drink to the thirsty, welcome to
resident strangers in the land, clothing the naked, care for the sick and visiting
those in prison (Matthew 25:31-46)... they do not "Go, and do likewise" as
Jesus commanded that we do for those who are beaten down and need us to
go the extra mile and pay the price for their recovery (Luke 10:25-37)...

We are lesser humans when our development of compassion and empathy is
arrested.  We are NOT Christians if we do not follow the teachings and
commandments of The Christ.  And what we give, is what we will get, as
individuals, political parties, church congregations and bodies and as a

When our guiding principle is profit over people... more for self and those
like us... we are much to be pitied.  We just don't realize it... YET.

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Let us...

Let us...

change the system that pits us against each other for meager resources, to one that demands equity among all God's children

change the criminal injustice system to one of truly EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL

turn from personal greed and gain to a value of community based on ALL having well-being

share of our abundance with others who have need

make sure EVERY child has the same chance at a good education

make sure that EVERY citizen has healthcare coverage for their well-being

make sure that EVERY person in this nation has food, clothing and livable shelter

make sure that EVERY worker is paid a LIVING wage

CHANGE a system that believes it is perfectly fine and normal for 1% of the population to control 85% of the resources in this nation, while the rest struggle for what is left

Then, and ONLY THEN, will we be a CIVILIZATION

Pastor Jamie

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

being fully human

It is simple... people I love and people I do not know, whom I KNOW God loves, are being treated unfairly, being exploited, being kept down, being held out... actively, systematically, systemically, intentionally so that some others may feel "superior" and get more at their expense, for themselves... it makes me ANGRY, and I will write, I will speak, I will fight, I will continue to do what I do to make it so that ALL people have the healthcare they need, equal education under the law in whatever school or district they are a part of, a living wage for their work, jobs for those who can work, affordable housing, transportation and RESPECT, REGARDLESS of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or economic background... I believe anyone who is either unconcerned about others or worse, sees exploiting them as an opportunity to promote more for themselves, is in some kind of stage of arrested human development... I stand on the Gospel of Jesus - what JESUS taught about how we are to live with each other... unapologetically, un-waveringly, without hesitation or reservation... clear?
Pastor Jamie

Friday, November 15, 2013

loyalty in sports

I perceive there to be GREAT LOYALTY in sports...

Loyalty to the city in which a team plays, as long as it provides a new stadium, championships and
    other entertainment value, with good parking and upscale accommodations around them...
Loyalty to the fans in the cities in which teams play, as long as they will pay always more in ticket
Loyalty to the neighborhood venders around the stadium, as long as they are "upscale enough"...
Loyalty to the team one plays with, as long as one gets enough spotlight, kudos, trophies and pay...
Loyalty to the players, as long as there is not a better "deal" out there...
Loyalty to the team one roots for, as long as they are winning...
Loyalty to the game one loves to play, as long as it pays exorbitantly...
Loyalty to the game one loves to watch, as long as it entertains, even if it means maiming the

Loyalty as long as one's greed, desire for prestige and lust for power...

There is a GREAT DEAL OF LOYALTY in sports... to all the wrong things.

Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey and now Soccer are big business in entertainment.  Any "higher virtues" in these professional sports have gone the way of the affordable bleacher seats.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Class Warfare

Now, 47 million people have been cut off from $5 billion in food aid in The United States.  This, right after putting billions into having a stealth warship, after $24 billion wasted in a manufactured government shut down designed to keep millions of other Americans from having affordable healthcare coverage.  This, after laying off America during the recession, after sending jobs overseas because corporations could make more money off the backs of other folk through sub-standard wages, after de-regulating greed for over 32 years (yes, Reaganomics), trying to LEGISLATE peoples' bedrooms and bodies, after refusing to collect billions of $ in taxes from the wealthy individuals and corporations in our country.

This war has been waged for years... until now, it has been a massacre, rather than a war, because NO ONE fought back... the CHURCH remained silent, complicit in the economic rape of the nation because they gained in much the same way (at worst) and/or were afraid they might lose their precious 501c3 status if they spoke out (at best). 

The democratic (blue) stripes on this Laissez-Faire Greed economic system Zebra remained largely silent, because they felt the political wind and knew they would lose votes if they stood up for the most vulnerable. 

The republicans (red) stripes on the Zebra perpetrated, pushed, promoted and executed the war on the poor because it meant they could get more profit for those who were the elites among them - the wealthy and powerful who first took over corporations and industries and then bought the government...


Like the English Kings and Lords before them, who got the Irish to throw away their young lives in fighting the Scotts when they rebelled, and used the Scotts and others to throw away their lives to fight the Irish when they rebelled, etc., etc.... for generations...

so, these who have waged this CLASS WAR have pitted the Middle Class, especially lower, middle-class against the poor, scapegoating the poor who receive a pittance from government for all their own economic woes, when it was the wealthy and powerful who designed the system that holds them down for their own gain...

Like the Nazi's, who scapegoated the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and others for the economic woes of struggling Germans...

the wealthy and powerful have very adeptly used false anecdotes, stereotypes and outright bigotry to manipulate the working poor and lower, middle-class to hate those who receive public assistance, so that they would not see the true threat to their well-being...


so, they resent anyone who "should be lower" than them economically (yes, because of race), who gets a job or starts to succeed, claiming that they TOOK MY JOB/OUR JOBS, as if they were entitled to them... being of the same RACE as the wealthy and powerful, but NEVER in the same club....

and they resent anyone who "buys steaks" or "sells their food stamps for cash", because they scrape and scrimp and save to just make it, not recognizing that the foolish expressions of immediate gratification (which most of us do through credit - spending more than we have on things) those on fixed-income make, they pay for later in the month with panic and fear in the lack...

so, the soul of America has been eroded by GREED, a false sense of ENTITLEMENT and VIOLENCE in our hearts, words and sometimes actions against those who we have been duped into scapegoating, so that we will not attack those in "the big house"...

It is an AGE OLD process, and very effective, because it is easier to hate and scapegoat someone "below" you on the economic ladder, while aspiring to be the wealthy and powerful, rather than see that the system that divides is WRONG, EVIL, IMMORAL, and resist, actively change the system... for some, because they aspire to be in that very exclusive club, for others, because they do not want to risk the few crumbs (TV's, Cars, Houses, Vacations) in perks that they get for the sake of others who are consistently, systematically, intentionally, brutally, immorally held down for the profit of a few others... so we blame the VICTIMS, and even claim to BE the victims ourselves....

What would it look like if ...




Yes, some would have to sacrifice a little of the exorbitant profits they now get, and perhaps the 24 bedroom mansion for an 8 bedroom shack... not get a larger and more extravagant yacht every 5 years, but rather every 10 years... not buy the most expensive and exotic fourth vehicle, but have one less or four that are a little less luxurious... maybe have a few less "servants" to do the housework or lawn care and maybe have to spend some time with their children and not pay a "nanny" to completely raise them... I know, I know, it sounds like a HORRIBLE existence... hardly worth living... but I am confident that with a little resolve, these folks could somehow find a way to be happy...

and it would mean that others who have been held down and out for generations would have some kind of life-security in MAKING IT, and even tip the scale on THRIVING over just SURVIVING... would that be so terrible for our nation?  under God?  Indivisible?  With liberty and justice for ALL?

Stop looking horizontally or "beneath" you for the problem.  It is those ABOVE you who have victimized us ALL as a nation, and they have done it very well for 32 years... THEY are the ones who have waged this massacre... let's now turn it, not into a war, but into a non-violent movement for change...


Pastor Jamie

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


There are those who would, behind smoke and mirrors, convince us that morality only has to do with sex and particularly with whom you sleep and how.  They put that "out there" so that they can hide their truly IMMORAL practices around greed and their idolatry to Mammon (wealth) and Mars (power) and Narcissus (prestige, position, self-importance and promotion), above all others.

The reason that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil", is because LOVE is to be reserved for God and Neighbor (who Jesus defines as stranger and even enemy - Luke 10:25, ff.).  But when we give our devotion and make our whole lives about making money for ourselves, or those just like us, especially at the expense (exploitation, trampling down) of others, it is IMMORAL.  When our love is reserved for only self and getting what we can for self at any cost to others around us, it is IMMORAL.

For instance -

31% of Georgians who would be eligible for ACA insurance (ObamaCare) will not receive benefits because Georgia's Republican Governor and Republican Legislature has rejected it in this state and declined to participate.  These 31% are NOT those who are eligible for Medicaid now, who are receiving substandard healthcare, but healthcare none-the-less.  These 31% are those who are WORKING, so they make too much to receive the health insurance from Medicaid, but they do not make enough to be able to afford insurance on their own - you know - those who are the working poor, penalized by low wages and no benefits or job security because they live in this "right to work (for low wages, no benefits and no job security)" state.  Now, they are further penalized, because their Republican politicians in office want to keep them from the affordable healthcare they could have through the ACA.


For instance -

Republicans in Congress who claim to be in the fiscally RESPONSIBLE party, many of whom gleefully got us into 2 wars that have cost us TRILLIONS of dollars and THOUSANDS of lives, will not balance the budget (their self-declared #1 agenda) by raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans and American corporations, or even get them to pay what they owe, calling them ENTITLEMENTS, but rather want to cut aid to the poor and have done so... so that women and children have food taken away from them, head start classes for the poor are shut down, elderly programs slashed, etc., etc..


For instance -

Republicans in Congress shut down government and it cost our nation $24 billion.  This from the party that wants to save a few bucks by cutting individual aid to families.
Republicans are engineering voter suppression, gerrymandering every district they can, spreading misinformation and lies about our President and raping the country's environment for profit, all while claiming their patriotism.
Wealthy individuals and corporations/industries are buying politicians and their votes, in order to further exploit the environment and destroy it at will, and workers here and abroad, while claiming to love democracy. 
And people are being duped into believing those are good things to do.  And people vote for the ones doing those things!


We are becoming an IMMORAL NATION,
NOT because we do not have public prayer in the schools - even WITH that, these "right wing" folks would give their true devotion to Mammon.
NOT because of gay marriage, even WITHOUT these equal rights being recognized, their GREED would drive them.
NOT because of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists or "Liberals"...

BUT because we as a nation, AT BEST, give our LIP SERVICE to God, but give our TRUE DEVOTION to Mammon (wealth), Mars (violence) and Narcissus (self).

"This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines."  Mark 7:6,7    JESUS
"You cannot serve both God and Mammon."  Matthew 6:24    JESUS

IMMORAL.  Unconscionable.  The new norm in American perspective, philosophy and practice.

So, what will WE do about that?

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, October 19, 2013

like it is

GREED is America's religion... we will sacrifice many on Mammon's altar in order to garner its favor...
Without conscience, without hesitation or reservation, if some can make more profit on the backs of others, we see nothing wrong with it, because our religion (laissez-faire - limitless Capitalism) helps us serve our god - Mammon.

While giving lip service to Jesus, praising His name and giving Him our tithes to prime that cosmic pump for our selves (what we have reduced Jesus to), we give our devotion to the acquisition of more - always more, with no limits.  

The nature of GREED, is that no matter how much we already have, we will want more because more is out there.  

Jesus warned us about all manner of greed.  
Jesus warned that we cannot serve both God and mammon (wealth).
Jesus warned us not to be rich fools and accumulate more while ignoring others around us.
Jesus warned us not to be those who step over the poor and sick among us.
Jesus taught us about His judgment, and how it is dependent upon how we have treated the hungry, thirsty, naked, stranger, sick and imprisoned (how we treat Him in it).
Jesus warned that it is HARD for the rich to enter the Kingdom.
Jesus made Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the OTHER - God, neighbor) His command.

Greed's nature is all about serving SELF and NOT OTHER, either God or neighbor.

It is time to give up this duplicitous existence.  Choose this day whom you will serve. 
As for me and my house, we will serve THE LORD.

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Enough IS Enough

I am a middle class person.
I have worked in my field (Pastoral Ministry), and related fields (Hospice) for over 27 years, most of which I earned very low wages.
My wife has worked in her field for 31 years, and is also a Pastor.
Together, we live comfortably by American standards, in opulence compared to MANY in the world
     and our own country.
We give our offerings to the small home church we pastor, 70% of which are given away in local (SW Atlanta), national (Common Ground - New Orleans) and international (Food for the Poor -
 Haiti) outreach.
We also support other congregations and causes that we believe help "the least of these".
I do not share this because I want your admiration or accolades, in fact, I believe I do not do as much
    as I should, given all that I have.
I share this because there are MANY who consider themselves Christian people, who claim to follow Jesus and love Jesus, who begrudge "the least of these" ANYTHING they get.  I share this because there are Christians who work to elect those who would systematically, intentionally and without conscience take more away from "the least of these".  I share this because there are Christian pastors and bishops who dupe their members, many of whom ARE "the least of these", to give their tithes (some, their last $10) so that God, the cosmic pump, will be primed to bless them with prosperity, and they have been doing that for decades now.  And those congregations of those pastors and bishops pay those pastors and bishops exorbitant salaries and build bigger barns (as in lavish facilities), rather than help their local or distant poor.  I share this because there are many, some desperate and some greedy, who have been led to believe this is faithfulness to the Jesus of the Gospels, whose concern and commands for the sake of the poor is very clear.
I share this because it sickens me and saddens me.  I would GLADLY pay more taxes, if our government that is elected to represent ALL of us, would EQUALIZE education, healthcare, employment, housing, transportation and safety in the land of "all (people) are created equal".  I would GLADLY pay a little more for my healthcare to see those with NONE get basic healthcare as a HUMAN RIGHT.  I would GLADLY give a bit more to "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome (and not exploit and then deport) the stranger, and visit the sick and imprisoned (to liberate them both from their plight).
I am not wealthy, and I have worked a long time to have what I have, many years with very little to show for my efforts. 
I am also a FOLLOWER OF JESUS and JESUS' WAY.  I must submit my will to Jesus' Will for the world, and conform my Way to Jesus' way for me to be in THIS PART of God's Kingdom.
God promised DAILY BREAD - enough.  Most American Christians have MUCH MORE THAN ENOUGH... instead of being THANKFUL, SATISFIED and CONTENT with having more than enough, SOME will always want MORE, because MORE is out there - that is the nature of Greed and idolatry to wealth, power or prestige/position.  When that takes over our hearts and souls, then our concern for the poor, commanded by Jesus in Agape Love, is gone, because we cannot see past self - what I can get, what I can have, what I can become.  So we adopt political philosophies and economic principles, vote for and advocate only for OURSELVES, even at the expense of the most poor and vulnerable around us, even blaming them for their own victimization and scapegoating them for us not having more - always more... and we twist The Word to suit our desires...
What we are becoming is ruthlessly selfish and hatefully mean-spirited, while claiming to be people who follow Jesus.  That won't work.
Pastor Jamie

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Your Standard

What is the standard,
what is the code,
what is the set of principles
that guides how you live in the world around you?
What informs how you
participate in society,
engage in your work and
live every other aspect of your life?

For me,
it is the Good News of Jesus –
what Jesus taught and exemplified,
as we have it in the Gospels.
Rev. Jamie Kaufman

Saturday, October 5, 2013


So, I have often heard the statement that, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend.", and have even accepted its adaptation to college football - "My two favorite teams are Ohio State and whoever is playing Michigan." 

I believe Agape Love compels me to something a bit deeper.

Anyone who is hurt, exploited, neglected or ignored is my sister/brother.

If I indeed LOVE MY NEIGHBOR AS MYSELF, then I will no more want to see my neighbor (defined by Jesus in Luke 10:25-37 as even stranger or enemy) be hurt than I would want that for myself or my closest loved ones.  If I LOVE MY NEIGHBOR AS MYSELF, I will no more want to see my neighbor go without what he/she needs than I would want that for myself or my closest loved ones.

Jesus' teachings do not allow for us to only take care of "ourselves and our own".  Jesus' teachings do not allow us to callously exploit another so that we can have more for ourselves, neglect the needs of another that are clearly before us or exclude another from community because he/she is different.

So, for a politician to claim a faith in Jesus, and then actively write or uphold laws that hurt ANY of Jesus' sisters and brothers, who are his/her own sisters or brothers also... goes against Jesus.

For a business person to lay off employees to keep more profit for him/herself or stockholders, or to get bonuses as an executive, or pay them at a less than living wage, or keep them from getting healthcare coverage, or prevent them from living fully in any way... goes against Jesus.

For a voter to vote in folks who speak War over Diplomacy, Greed over Generosity, Hubris over Humility, Isolationism or Exclusivism over Inclusion, Injustice for some and Exemption for others, Exploitation and Inequality over Equity and Equality for all, keeping some down so that others may rise on their backs... GOES AGAINST JESUS.

We stand before Jesus.  There is no, "it's nothing personal, it's just business."  There is no, "only for me and my own."  There is no, "let them fend for themselves."  The command of Jesus to live Agape Love does not allow it.

"By their fruits you will know them."
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
JESUS commands Agape Love for Neighbor (even stranger and enemy).
Jesus' sisters and brothers are OUR sisters and brothers.
It is all... we are all... CONNECTED.

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, September 28, 2013

“The American People”

   I am SO TIRED of hearing politicians (left, centrist and “right”) claim that they know what “The American People” want, as if we are one people, as if we all think alike, as if we are not incredibly and frighteningly polarized.

So, who are these “American People” for whom they speak and who they claim to represent?

Do the 39 million who will continue to go without healthcare if the ACA fails, feel that the Republicans are right that they speak for them as “American People”?  For that matter, how many of the “American People” want the Government to be shut down in the most recent political stunt by those on the extreme right and those who are riding their coattails?

   The last Presidential election was won on a platform about The Affordable Care Act and other issues that this President has been fighting for, yet Republicans claim that their obstructionism is due to the will of “The American People” who elected him.  Clearly, the extreme right wing folks who got elected in an “off year” election four years ago and in the last election, were chosen by some of “The American People” too, but Democrats claim that “The American People” want nothing to do with their philosophy, policies and tactics. 

   I do not believe that other than the most wealthy and powerful, and some upper-middle class folks are represented by our government.  At its worst, 99% are not represented.  At best, the POOR are certainly not represented by those who have been elected to represent them as “public servants”.  Those who ARE represented are the most wealthy and powerful individuals and corporations who have bought the government, and those who have the ear of government because those in it HOPE to get their money in the future.  PAC’S, Corporations, Lobbyists and influential (wealthy and therefore power) individuals are represented.  Politicians belong to them.  No one else matters to those on the extreme and moderate right, and on the centrist to moderate left.

   I long to hear ANYONE champion the rights of THE POOR, THE ELDERLY, THE YOUNG, THE MARGINALIZED as they call them “THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.”  Yes, I believe that our President and his Party have come closer to representing them and enacting policies that will ultimately help them, but I do not hear them lifted up as valued citizens other than in rhetoric for debate.  Those in government represent those who will get them what they want – more power and money – the people just like them.  Homogeneity out of xenophobia is NOT a way to govern in a DEMOCRACY… of course, we have not had but a relative democracy for most of our history, and it is now a plutocratic oligarchy.  With that, necessarily comes marginalization and a lack of representation. 

   Are YOU one of “The American People” who these folks represent and accurately speak for?  Really?  Pastor Jamie

Saturday, September 21, 2013

what we say and what we do

What we say and what we do are not always the same.
The days of "I say what I mean and I mean what I say" seem to be over.
It is about whatever gets me the most and best of what pleases me right now.
It is all about the pleasing of self and not the standing on our word.
It is all about appearing to be full of integrity, honor, good values and even a relevant faith,
    while doing what we can to please our selves and get all that we can for our selves,
    regardless of the means or of who is hurt in the process.

We claim to love our children,
    but when children are killed in their schools, we choose our love of guns over our children
    and when it comes to balancing the budget, we cut funds that literally take food out of their mouths
         rather than insist that the most powerful citizens and corporations pay their taxes

We claim to be the nation of welcome (see the words on the Statue of Liberty)
    but unless folks have a PhD or lots of money, we do not want them
    and unless we can exploit you for cheap labor and then send you home to your life of poverty,
         don't bother to come here

We say that we are a Nation among nations,
    but we use our position, wealth and power to exploit people in other nations to build our wealth
    and we march our military into other nations to take their resources for our selves

We say that we are the nation of equal justice for all,
    but when some intentionally line their pockets off the pensions and life savings of others
             illegally, they go to a "country club" prison to write their books, for a short term, if they
             get arrested at all
    and young black and brown men who out of desperation steal from an individual or sell something
    on the street to live, are sent up for hard time or shot and killed, unarmed, in the street, even just on

We say we honor our military and support them,
    yet we vote for politicians who write laws that strip the VA of funds for them when they come
             home, denying their care in diseases and disorders they have because of their service
    and we keep their families in the need of food stamps even while their loved ones are on active
             duty, and THEN cut SNAP funding on them

We say that we are the land of equal opportunity,
    but many schools get MUCH less funding for their students, because of tax brackets
    and wages range from those who make 300x what laborers make, to below poverty level wages
    so we bail out major corporations and their exec's and stockholders make more money, while
            those who work for them get laid off from making even their meager wages
    and we break up any organized labor, so that no one will stand up for worker rights, and those
            who own and benefit from their labor can exploit them further to line their own pockets

We say that we recognize that "all (men) are created equally"
    but the disparities by race are played out in every aspect of society
    and the disparities by economic class are played out just the same
    we deny women the same wages for the same job with the same experience
    we deny our gay and lesbian citizens equal rights to marriage and the benefits of it

The truth?
The truth is that our greatest love is only, exclusively for our selves and those just like us,
    that our idol in America is SELF... getting more for self... benefitting self above all others
    and on the backs of others... being above others to elevate self... so, we re-create God in our
    image until our god IS SELF... even changing what we SAY God says, to match what pleases
    us in our churches and in our society...
    we will say one thing that sounds good so that others might not hold us in total disdain and to
    appease our guilt over our duplicity, but do whatever it takes at the expense of others not like us, to
    benefit our selves and those who are just like us...

We do not say what we mean or mean what we say... it doesn't pay (at least not what we want)

... and I GOTTA TELL YA, God is not pleased with us as a nation.

Repentance means to "change one's thinking" so that one's direction changes...
    We need to repent... this is NOT the narrow way that Jesus directed us to travel in life...
    It is time to change our way of thinking and our direction...

It is time to give up our Idolatry to GREED, LUST FOR POWER AND PRESTIGE and ultimately SELF... because giving lip service to God while serving those idols INSULTS GOD, as the prophets have taught us...
It is time to AGAPE LOVE God with all that we have, and love our Neighbors AS WE LOVE OUR SELVES... active commitment/committed action on behalf of the other, for the sake of the other... as Jesus COMMANDED...

then, our words and actions will be in alignment
then, our integrity and honor will be intact
then, our souls will thrive and not slowly die - along with the soul of our nation
then, our people, ALL our people will thrive and not some of them slowly die while others live in
then, God will be pleased.  Not until then.

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Being Prophetic in America

   The Prophets were raised to TELL GOD'S WILL TO GOD'S PEOPLE, and especially in times when God's people had abandoned God's Will for their own, and were doing horrible things while claiming to be "people of God".  It was not about telling the future, but rather sharing with the people of God what would happen if they continued to walk away from God in how they lived in the world.
   Today, most Prophets are silent because there is no money in it - they can't sell their books to a public in America that wants to believe the Prosperity/Power/Entitlement myths that have been sold to them by false prophets over the past 30+ years.  Some are silent because they do love their country and cannot bear to be called "un-American".  Some are silent because they are compliant with what is happening in the country and across the world - which itself makes them false prophets.
   I love this country, but I love ALL of it, and not exclusively those just like me.
   I love God's Word as it reveals God's Will, and not just those parts that benefit me.
   Therefore, being instructed to "speak(ing) the truth in love", I want to share the words of an Old Testament Prophet, and New Testament Prophet and some thoughts around each.

AMOS 5:10-11  God does not value those who twist the truth and silence those who do speak it, and the one whose judgments are unjust, those who get more on the backs of the poor.  God promises that what they have gained by exploiting others will be taken from them.

AMOS 5:21-24   God is clear on what God wants, and it is not worship and praise by the same folks who are actively seeking to do injustice and act wrongly to hurt others around them.

AMOS 8:4-7  God will not tolerate those who look for every opportunity for personal gain on the backs of the most vulnerable and ignore the needs of the poor.  God does not forget.

We keep people down in our own land with UNEQUAL education, employment and wages, healthcare, housing, corrections and transportation.  Some benefit from doing it, so the system continues to be built on the inequalities that make a few richer without limit and many more poorer without hope.  Some who claim to be people of God promote this with their attitudes, philosophies and behaviors.  They vote for those who stand for this kind of system.  They blame the victims of this systemic injustice for their own plight.  They ARE those with the most power or wealth, or ASPIRE to be them in the future.  This is NOT God's Will.

JAMES 4:1-10  God does not value us doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to keep power over others and gain wealth on their backs, as a nation.  Not only do we abuse our own most vulnerable in the land, but we go overseas to exploit others for cheap labor and the un-restricted taking and waste of their natural resources with un-regulated pollution of their air, land and water.  For the sake of cheap prices for our own people, we go across the world to perpetrate injustice on others.  When we cannot dupe them through our manipulation of WTO and other international organizations, we try to buy them with our false promises of funds for their poor.  We buy their leaders to allow us to exploit their own people, sometimes propping up leaders who are ruthless enough to hurt or kill their own people, while we turn a blind eye to those abuses for our own gain.  When those means don't work, we use our military to get what we want, trumping up charges against them (some of the same ones we have supported to get what we wanted, until they stopped giving us what we wanted) so that other nations in the world will not so strongly object.  Then, we act surprised that people across the world at best hold us in contempt, and at worst hate us.  God is not pleased.  What we are doing to hurt our own people and those across the world is NOT God's Will.

I am sure that any who read this will react... some strongly.  It is hard to be in a position to address our own sins as a people, especially when we have so strongly adopted a perspective of American "Exceptionalism".  What is exceptional in our behavior is often our ruthlessness, greed, lust for power, nationalism, bigotry and self-centeredness in our own land and across the world.

The BEST of what God's Word has to offer is found when we search out what we believe God is saying about ourselves, so that we can submit to God's will and conform our way to God's way for us in the world.  The false prophets will talk about our entitlements, justifications, favored status and signs of God's blessings just for us.  They will talk about our nation sinning only in things like allowing the end of "corporate prayer" in schools, acceptance of homosexuals and other nonsense.  That is "smoke and mirrors" to keep us from looking at our age-old sins, even those addressed in The Word, regarding our GREED, LUST FOR POWER and OBSESSION WITH PRESTIGE/POSITION OVER OTHERS.  God broke God's own nation, Israel, numerous times to bring them back to God's Way over these sins.  What makes us think that God is not doing the same with us, now?

I love this nation, but I love ALL in it.
I love God's Word, and NOT just the parts that benefit me.
I ask for your prayers for this nation that I love and the living of God's Word of Grace and Agape
      Love, that I love.

Pastor Jamie

What's it all about, Jamie?

The First Century followers of Jesus were called “People of the Way of Jesus” or just “People of the Way”.  At first, it was a derogatory term for those who did not follow the established, institutional religion as Judaism had become, but later it was a reference to a people who had influenced the world around them by living the TEACHINGS and EXAMPLES of Jesus.  The followers of Jesus worshiped, to be sure, but they were noticed and known for how they lived Jesus’ COMMANDS (Imperative statements), as He taught them and as were reflected in the four Gospels they now had in written form.  What others saw in them was very different from what they saw in the world, even from those who claimed to be people of God in other, institutionalized faith practices.  They saw the Agape Love (active commitment/committed action on behalf of the other) that Jesus commanded and claimed was how people would know that they were His followers, being lived in the world.  The focus of these believers was not on keeping the religious institution going, but rather about living what Jesus TAUGHT (especially what Jesus COMMANDED) and EXEMPLIFIED in how to live in this part of God’s Kingdom.  It was about sharing the Good News of Jesus by LIVING IT in the world, acting in an Agape Loving way with others.  They kept that focus until between 325 and 380, with Christianity’s adoption as the “official” religion of Rome because of the conversion of Constantine.  The mission to share and LIVE The Good News of Jesus remained among a remnant of followers of Jesus, as their focus, as it does today.

What happened in the First Century because of that was a RADICAL expression of the commanded Agape Love of Jesus.

   They met in homes, as the disciples of Jesus were commanded to do when they were with Him.  We meet in our home.

   Jesus commanded, “You give them something to eat.” His disciples fed the 5,000.  In the First Century, an Agape Meal was provided with each worship service to feed those who did not have food.  We serve an Agape Meal as a part of every worship.

   Jesus commanded, “Do this in remembrance of me.”  His disciples shared The Lord’s Supper every time they worshiped.  We share in the Grace of God in the Lord’s Supper every time we gather.

   Jesus commanded that His followers live Agape Love and proclaim healing for the sick.  Peter made himself available and God healed even those on whom his shadow fell (Acts 5:12-16).  It was an expression of Radical Love.  We believe we have been made more complete and whole by the shadow of others’ lives that have touched us, and we are available so that the shadow of our lives may in some way make others around us whole.

   Jesus prayed to the Father that all would be one with each other and God, and commanded those who followed Him to be concerned for the poor in their actions.  The First Century followers came together and shared in Radical Community out of Agape Love (Acts 4:32-37), even to the point of sharing of their abundance with those who had little or nothing in their lives.  We share 70% of our own offerings and those others choose to give, for community outreach here, and 20% for national and international sisters and brothers in need.  This Radical Sharing was practiced in the First Century (Acts 11:27-29), and we believe we are called to practice it today.

   Jesus said that those who were not against us are for us, and that we should live Agape Love even with stranger and enemy, including others in the community based on Radical Love.  His Apostles not only included those who were of a different ethnic background and religious heritage in the community, but also in the leadership of the community (Acts 6:1-8).  We pray for others to join us who want to serve rather than be served, and who want to walk with us as partners in radical community.

   Jesus included Gentiles, women and those recognized by society as sinners in His fold.  The First Century followers did the same, even with those who were ethnically, religiously and sexually different and excluded by the Law of Moses (Acts 8:26-40).  We are inclusive of ALL and ANY who would join us sincerely to learn and live the teachings of Jesus, especially the living of Radical, Agape Love in this community.

  Jesus commanded that we not judge others.  His Apostles sometimes got that right and sometimes did not, but a Radical Freedom to live one’s life in good conscience by one’s beliefs was maintained (Acts 10:9-16), and people of different ways were accepted into the Radical Community built on Radical Love.  We welcome people of ANY faith or non-faith background for sincere sharing in Agape Love around our table. 

  Jesus said that He came to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the Apostles practiced Radical Liberation spiritually and socially (Acts 27).  We work toward the empowerment of ALL people to be free from any bondage to things that keep them down in life, standing with them as advocates out of Agape Love in Radical Community.  We work to bring equality in Education, Employment, Housing, Healthcare, Transportation, and Justice for ALL people in this community.

We are People of The Way of Jesus.  We are in this community for good.  Stop by and see us sometime.  We open our hearts and home to you.  And if you ever want to experience this new/original way of being followers of Jesus’ Teachings and Examples in the world around you, we will welcome you in that, too.     3pm Sundays    649 Peeples Street  SW  Atlanta   30310
Rev. Jamie Kaufman      404-353-0387    Check us out on FACEBOOK for more information on what we are about…

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Labor Day 2013

So, we have CLAIMED to want to help the middle class, and some have even CLAIMED to want to help the poor.

Yet, many who have claimed a concern for the poor and middle class support...

starting the trend of hiring part-time (1981) instead of full time, so that employers do not feel compelled to pay benefits for employees, also making people work 2 or 3 part time jobs just to survive...

breaking down organized labor that empowers workers, even creating "right to work" states that consistently mean lower wages and fewer benefits for workers, so that corporate heads can do what they want to with employees, having eliminated a balance of power

fighting every attempt to move to a living wage, or even raise the minimum wage so that people can make a living and even buy the goods companies are selling

going after a few who commit "welfare fraud" by eliminating that for the many, while ignoring the corporate welfare that cripples the nation

cutting the SNAP funds in the farm bill that help the most vulnerable with food, rather than make the wealthy (individuals and corporations) pay their fair share of taxes

letting the "job creators" lay off much of America, rather than take a little less profit for themselves, their execs and stockholders

de-regulating business that gouges citizens, while legislating the bedroom on many, but bailing out businesses that are "too big to fail", rather than let the laissez-faire (hands off) capitalism work in their cases, naturally

allowing companies to charge 20 cents more per gallon at the pump and 20% more at the supermarket in urban areas over suburban ones, where people are more likely not to have the alternative of shopping around, and where they can least afford the added cost

closing the schools in the inner-city, so that classrooms are more crowded and less controlled... perpetuating the stereotypes actively about urban (black and brown) youth, and making sure that they never have a LEVEL playing field in education and therefore employment and financial well-being...

Indeed - they love the poor so much that they are actively making MORE of them, and plunging those already in poverty into further depths of it... all for their own profit...

We NEED to stand together and fight the greed - THAT is the best thing possible for us to do in remembrance on this LABOR DAY...

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Nation

There is a nation that needs your prayer.
They have the highest standard of living in the world, but it is at the expense of others around the world, and when their influence in wealth will not get them what they want, they use their military might to take it.
They have the greatest resources in the world, but continue to waste and destroy them for profit.
They have the greatest educational system in the world, but they exclude many of their own people from it.
Their judicial system was set up for blind justice in a beautiful way, but they now use it to benefit the powerful and oppress the brown and black folk among them.
They have a welcoming beacon in their most busy harbor, but have ignored those who have come and now actively try to deport many of them.
They have set up a wonderful, equal system for democracy, but have now sold it to the highest bidders, and actively work to keep some from exercising their rights to participate in it.
They have the wealthiest individuals and corporations in the world, but still take bread out of the mouths of their most vulnerable rather than make those with all the wealth pay taxes or pull their share of the nation's load.
They have the opportunity to provide healthcare for all their citizens and end the crippling financial burden on families and the nation as a whole, but out of greed and lust for power and the exclusivity of a few, they refuse to let the most vulnerable get the medical care they need.
They have the most diversity of spiritual practitioners in the world, but are intolerant of anyone who is not of the same religious practice of the majority.
They have the chance to be the light to the nations in so many ways, but they continue to do what they do only to benefit themselves, and even in that - only the most wealthy and powerful among them.
The soul of the nation described is dying.  Its is the most perfect expression of corporate sin in the history of the world. Yes, a whole nation can and does sin.  Pray for the nation described above.  Pray that it will learn the lessons of Jesus on how to live Agape Love.  Pray that it will turn around from its greed, lust for power and prestige/position above love for others.  Pray.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Foxes watching the hen house

So, In addition to corporate executives being appointed as "advisers" and board members over the nation's resources - i.e. lumber exec's over the forestry department, coal and oil exec's over the other natural resources, etc., etc. in the interests of - of course - the people, right? 

De-regulation has been happening for over 31 years, so companies are ignoring anti-trust laws and forming monopolies, no one is regulating pollution, jobs being sent overseas, etc., etc...

Lobbyists and PAC's have been giving large donations to those who make laws over their corporate interests.

Citizens United allows unlimited donations to candidates with NO ACCOUNTABILITY and therefore no limit to their profit through the corruption which is inevitable.

Rupert Murdock owns MOST of the media conglomerates and uses them to promote his causes - the causes of the wealthiest and most powerful like him.  The Koch brothers... need I say more?

Now, Scott Bezos of Amazon fame bought The Washington Post.  Wasn't that the paper of Watergate exposure fame?  No more... gradually, 60 minutes, other "news" programs and networks all sold out.  CNN, which once at least "seemed" to be unbiased, has a slightly right of center slant to it now.

Other than independently owned and cooperatively owned networks and newspapers, there are NO politically neutral networks or newspapers left.  Even NPR has commercials for corporations that support it.

Newspapers are struggling, at the very LEAST, because nobody reads anymore.  TV news networks are so biased that you can find one to agree with your extremes, but not challenge your extremes unless you watch the oppositely polarized network.

They are ALL in the pockets of someone, or like LINK TV and some independent radio networks and newspapers, are discredited regularly by others that are in someone's pocket.

There is nowhere in media where one can find objective truth.

Laissez-faire capitalism has won again.  The best biased reporting money can buy is what we get.

More polarization will be the result as the Titans of Media Industry pay off all those whom they can pay off, and we will not know objective truth any longer.

I have been in grief for the death of our democracy at the birth of our more extreme oligarchic plutocracy 32 years ago, and for over 30 years... I still have grief reactions now and then when I am faced with more expressions of the results of that loss... like in the past few days... goodbye objective media... your champions will be remembered and their contributions to our society and the world will be lifted up in amazement, because the truth has now become obsolete...

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Kingdom Value lost on us

Matthew 20:1-10   Yes, please read it.

The landowner went out at 6:00am and hired day laborers for work in his vineyard/factory.  He agreed with them, meaning he discussed with them, on the usual daily wage.  These were, no doubt, the strongest, most fit and experienced workers who were chosen - the FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS.  The landowner went back out at 9am and found others who were not yet hired by anyone and hired them, saying, "I will pay you whatever is right".  How relieved they must have been, thinking that no one would hire them that day, so their families would not eat that day, to hear that they would have work (though not the BEST of the lot), and be paid FAIRLY.  The landowner went out again at Noon and 3pm and did the same - hired now the least qualified and most desperate to feed their families.  Then, the landowner did the unthinkable - he went out at 5pm, one hour before "quittin' time" and hired some who had not been picked by ANYONE, ALL DAY.  They worked only one hour, because the work day ended at 6pm.  He lined them up, the ones hired at 5pm first and then the rest.  He gave those who worked ONE HOUR a FULL, DAILY WAGE, because they also had to feed their families.  Those who worked 12 hours thought that they would get more, because if these got the daily wage, surely they were ENTITLED to MORE than them - that would only be FAIR!  But the landowner was being, not unfair, but BEYOND FAIR.  They didn't like it, because someone ELSE caught a break and got what they needed, when they felt entitled to MORE than they needed for what they did.  The landowner gave them a lecture on being envious over his generosity.  Those who worked ONE HOUR got a DAILY WAGE, because they - not deserved, but NEEDED the daily wage to feed their families, and they were less likely to get hired the next day again!

You see, the Value of the Kingdom of God is Grace - undeserved loving mercy given freely, and NOT earned merit.

And like salvation by Grace and not earned merit, because we NEED IT, so in THIS PART OF GOD'S KINGDOM we are to live that value.

For instance - in our nation -
What if employers, when the recession hit, took less profit for stockholders and executives, rather than laying of workers whose families needed their income?  Some did that - very few.  Others laid people off specifically to get large bonuses for themselves.
What if employers paid a LIVING WAGE with BENEFITS, even though it meant less profit for themselves, because their employees NEEDED IT?
What if employers hired at FULL CAPACITY, because there are too many folks unemployed right now, when they could do with fewer employees working harder, and make therefore make more profit (even bonuses) for themselves?
What a concept - executives, owners and stockholders who make the largest incomes take a little less to allow more people to have more of what they NEED! 

Unfortunately, I believe people - even those who call themselves "Christians" - will continue to label this ANYTHING they can to keep us from adopting this Kingdom Value taught by Jesus.

And in the end, they will go away sad when Jesus comes calling, because their love for personal profit and wealth was greater than that for others in need, and it keeps them from going with Jesus - Matthew 19:16-22

Sad, indeed!

Pastor Jamie

Why do they hate him so?

OK, so we have a black President. The fervor seen against EVERYTHING being tried to bring the recovery along and help the American people, even things that Republicans would have done themselves, is not about Liberal vs. Conservative. It is simply to make this Presidency look bad - make this "experiment" fail. Those on the "right" will do ANYTHING to sabotage this administration and try to keep this President from succeeding in governance to prove that anyone not white, from wealth and male cannot be effective as a President. This only SHOWS the lengths they will go to out of their RACISM, yes I said it, to KEEP their ethnocentric control... why they say things like "take the country back" and other blatantly racist remarks. That is why they are WILLING to hurt the American people with obstructionist activities that KEEP the economy slow in recovery, at best. They are willing to hurt us to get at our President. Why do they HATE this President more and more uniquely than any other in history? Hmmm... They are acting on a white supremacist - not movement - but belief and philosophy.  It is racism, pure and simple. 
"By their FRUITS you will know them."- "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Jesus


The best government money can buy

So, Millionaires and Billionaires, like the Koch brothers, those who have the power over our government because they have the money to buy it, want unlimited profits for themselves, quickly, and will do WHATEVER long-term damage to the nation and the world to get it for themselves. They want less regulation on pollutants in the air we breath, water we drink and land we live on, so they can make more profit more quickly. They pay off those in the Senate and House to get what they want. And it's not for the sake of the laborers - they have funded people like Scott Walker and others to bust unions and lower wages and benefits to average workers. It's not for our American Democracy and its citizens - they have funded and supported voter suppression efforts across the country to keep elderly, young, disabled and minority voters from getting to cast their ballots. It is just for themselves, at the price of our democracy, environment and financial stability. And more like these guys are who you want to support in business and in government? How un-American is that? How un-Christian is that?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Not Out of FEAR!

I have often been made keenly aware that FEAR motivates, not only in situations, but also in life-
FEAR is taught, sometimes by people in our lives and sometimes by situations in them.
FEAR leads us to defensiveness, the defending of self, sometimes applied in situations in which it is
    not only not needed, but not helpful or healthy to be fearful and defensive.
FEAR quite naturally makes us conservative - to conserve those things for ourselves that may help us
    fend off whatever perceived threats we have for our future.
FEAR encourages reservation - the reserving of ourselves from sharing, opening up and receptivity,
    so that we are closed up in our encounters with the world and the people in it.
FEAR demands an orientation all about "SELF" preservation, which leads us to be defensive,
    conservative and reserved in how we meet the world and the people in it.
FEAR inevitably leads, when it is followed as the course of one's life, to wariness with others, a lack
    of trust, suspicion in most situations, eventually hatred of some or many and sometimes the
    ruthless, aggressive attacking of others, any others, whom we perceive to be a "threat", because
    they "MIGHT" hurt us, somehow.

I like the acronym for FEAR that follows:

When FEAR is that which I first meet people or situations in my life, I am meeting others and situations in my life in weakness.  I RARELY need to do so.  If I meet most people and situations in my life as one who perceives myself as being vulnerable and potentially a victim, that says a lot about how I look at myself, and NOT just how I look at the world and people in it.

I REFUSE to live my life out of a FEAR orientation.
I REFUSE to be conservative with my possessions, thoughts, kindness or feelings.
I REFUSE to be closed up because I once was hurt or could be again.
I REFUSE to be reserved in how I meet the world around me.
I REFUSE to naval gaze because I can only focus on protecting "self".
I REFUSE to hurt others around me because I perceive that they MIGHT be a threat to me.
I REFUSE to let FEAR be my orientation to the world and the people in it.

I do not VALUE living in FEAR, and the things that come out of living in FEAR.
I may be sometimes hurt, sometimes victimized, sometimes exploited, sometimes ignored or abandoned, but out of a FEAR of that, I will NOT always keep myself from fully living my life!
I will NOT keep myself from putting out into the world those things that I believe make the world a better place in which to live!  I will NOT allow FEAR to make me put out in the world the things I do not value!

So, call me a LIBERAL - generous and open with concern over the well-being of others... YES, you can label me that.  It means I am receptive and open to sharing.
I will NOT be a CONSERVATIVE, because I will NOT let my whole life orientation be formed in FEAR.

Pastor Jamie

Friday, July 19, 2013

Mr. President

And FOR THE RECORD, Mr. President... those bigots whose opinions are that NOTHING you do can be right, ARE doing so out of a hatred over race, regardless of what other "rationalizations" they may raise... it is a reaction to people of color... finally being recognized, and they cannot stand that... people of color gaining some means, which is a threat to those with an insane sense of race-superiority... people of color doing marvelous things publicly, which they CANNOT ENDURE... unfortunate, typical, insane, ill... and consistent... press on, in spite of... endure... and DO THE RIGHT THING, not the thing you hope will please or placate them... they will attack regardless, so DO THE RIGHT THING for the most vulnerable and poor... FINALLY, Sir, PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING, not the most politically shrewd, the most expedient, the least controversial or divisive... THE RIGHT THING for the poor and most vulnerable... THEN, you will truly have RISEN ABOVE the FREY... God bless you.  Rev.Jamie Kaufman

Thursday, July 18, 2013


When EVERY CHILD in America TRULY has an EQUAL SHOT AT...



When THE WEALTHY individuals and corporations (who are not people),
pay ALL their taxes on TOTAL ASSETS, without exception...

We can talk about an END TO

and other STILL NEEDED


Rev. Jamie Kaufman

Monday, July 15, 2013

"Stand Your Ground" means "Open Season"

"Stand Your Ground" is working just as it was intended to work.  White folks packin' heat can start altercations and then shoot black folk because they "feel threatened", and black folks still cannot defend themselves without being accused of somehow being the "wrong" ones, even after they are killed.

It is another example of UNEQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW.

Trayvon Martin was 17 and was not carrying a concealed weapon because he was too young.  But he was still accused of "thug-like" behavior after being stalked by a guy with a gun who relentlessly and doggedly pursued a confrontation with him, because he used concrete and the ground to defend himself against an older, larger and armed man - a man who was acquitted after murdering him.

Marissa Alexander was denied "stand your ground", though she did not shoot anyone, but shot warning shots as her "x" was about to attack her - a man who had beaten her before.  She is in prison for 20 years, but the murderer of Trayvon Martin was acquitted.

Jordan Davis

Trevor Dooley - 71 years old...

It is clear... the common denominator is... drum roll... guess what... RACE...

This law was written as an attempt to legally lynch again - to allow people to have "open season" on black males - to turn the clock back to the "bad old days" of our past...

And the only ones who win are the HATEFUL, among them the NRA.  More fear, more guns and ammo, more shootings, more killings, more fear... and 'round and 'round she goes... and we get sucked into buying guns and the NRA (and undertakers) only win...

When will we stand and say "NO!" to the hateful?
When will we stop being duped into becoming a part of the problem in fear and anger?
When will we be the solution, instead?

"Those who take up the sword (Gloc) will perish by the sword (AR 15)."  Jesus
Jesus said this to PETER, who was defending Jesus' life with a sword... Jesus does NOT want us to pick up arms, even those who can only kill at arm's length... it is NOT His Will... if you want to follow Jesus, you CANNOT follow Him by carrying or having concealed weapons or assault weapons... He would not go there, so those who follow HIM do not go there.  If they do, they are following someone else, because JESUS does not go there.

Don't be a part of the problem.  If you want the world to be less violent, do not contribute the tools of violence to it.  If you want the world to be less hateful, don't let your hatred cause you to sin.  If you want the world to be less angry, don't let your anger cause you to sin.  If you want the world to be less fearful and therefore defensive and volatile, then don't let your fear cause you to be defensive and therefore volatile.  To be a part of the solution means doing the opposite of what has caused the problems.

Follow Jesus - His teachings and examples, regardless of what the world around you is doing.

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, July 13, 2013


How about out of Love for God and Neighbor - the Agape Love (committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy - Luke 10:25-37) that Jesus COMMANDED, we as followers of Jesus DEMAND that there be a change, not just in individual laws, but in our nation's COMMITMENT to its people and the world...

To Agape Love God with all we have, and love God's WHOLE creation, WHOLE people of all races, ethnicities, faith practices and political philosophies, EQUALLY...

To Agape Love and be Good Stewards of the Creation-
   pursue renewable resources such as geo-thermal, wind and solar power for homes, factories and
   automobiles, so we stop polluting our ground, water and air

To Agape Love our Neighbors as ourselves -
  Insist on Equal Employment and payment for ALL
                 a LIVING WAGE for ALL workers... minimum $15 per hour for ANY job
                 Full Time Employment of 40 hours per week and time and a half for overtime
                 Healthcare for ALL - change the current "Obamacare" and "tweek" it, rather than, out of
                           a desire for more profit for some, defeat it altogether
                 Equal Education for ALL from pre-school through High School - whether in rural, small
                           town, urban or inner-city schools
                 Low -cost Higher Education and Loans for students, including TRADE SCHOOLS for
                           those whose prowess is in manual labor
                 Affordable Housing, Utilities, Transportation, Food, Water for ALL
                 Equal Justice for ALL  with ONE Criminal Justice system for ALL, equally
                 Taking care of our elderly, disabled and other most vulnerable citizens
                 Liberty for individuals over their own bodies, with available consultation of options,
                              and for individuals to have equal marriage with whomever they love...

... and when we have TRULY achieved that AVAILABILITY FOR ALL,
         THEN we look at eliminating public assistance in the future

If we truly LOVE GOD with all that we have, and LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS WE LOVE OUR SELVES, we will not give our devotion to more profit over God or People, and will do that... yes, it would mean a bit less profit for owners, executives and stock holders... but our soul as a nation would be restored to well-being...

we will COMMIT to that as our KINGDOM VALUES for how we live in THIS PART of God's Kingdom, according to God's Will!

It is time for us as Christians in our nation to stand together for Agape Love and BECOME ZACCHAEUS (Luke 19:1-10), instead of the rich man of Luke 16:19-31, so that we do not end up like the rich ruler of Luke 18:18-30, who went away sad because he could not follow Jesus, rather than hold onto his idolatrous devotion to Mammon... instead, we need to live God's Kingdom values that out of the Grace and Agape Love we understand, everyone have enough, regardless (Matthew 20:1-16)... it's time for repentance - a change in how we THINK about things... time to THINK, BELIEVE, ACT on the Agape Love in our nation, as people who DO FOLLOW JESUS...

THEN, our future as a nation will be different, and so will our fate as individual believers... Matthew 25:31-46... just sayin'

Pastor Jamie

Friday, July 12, 2013


   In 1981, a Republican whose name letters count 666, was elected and started the ball rolling on laissez-faire Capitalism to the EXTREME, at the price of Democracy.  It was pro-business at the expense of EVERYONE else, and the battle cry for DE-REGULATION was heard across our land.  Then, the "moral" majority of right-wing "Christians" joined forces with these fiscal radicals, and thus began the DESOLATING SACRILEGE (those who have ears, let them hear), in which the "Christian" "Right" became FULLY joined in unholy union with Mammon.
   Since then, the middle class has evaporated at an alarming rate, a very small percentage going into the upper economic sector, and the majority going into the lower.  Anti-trust laws were discarded or changed.  Monopolies started their gilded age again.  Lumber executives were appointed to manage our forests, oil executives were appointed to oversee our geological resources and retailers of food were put in charge of fishing fields and cornfields.  The foxes were now guarding the hen houses.  Our value shifted from Democracy, even a relative one at THAT time, to extreme CAPITALISM in the hearts of the true believers and patriots.  Prosperity Theology was the new order in the churches, which perfectly fed into our American, Civil Religion based on devotion to Mammon, Mars and Bacchus (Wealth, Power and Self-Indulgence).  Our democracy was gradually sold to the highest bidders, who got the rules changed so that they could court those elected with monetary bribes, future consultant jobs and votes.  The religious "right" re-defined MORALITY to only be about sexual things like women's bodies and what they could do with them, and who a person was allowed to love and who they were not, completely excluding GREED from any discussions around immorality at all.  They wanted to legislate bedrooms and de-regulate boardrooms, and they were very successful at it, sometimes with great and swift strides and sometimes slowly, more subtly, but steadily over the past 32 years.
   Organized Labor had to go, because it balanced the power between labor and management, and the Anti-Christ would not like that.  Workers rights were gutted gradually and eventually those who fought democratically for their rights as workers were again labeled "thugs", in order that "right to work extra hard at substandard wages" states could be victorious.  De-regulation of business also meant the privatizing of mental health institutions, healthcare options and other previously overseen things that now could be done more corruptly for the profit of a few.  Eventually, the whole of government was bought by Corporations and their lobbyists/PAC's.  De-regulation would mean that nothing could stand in the way of profitability for a few.  The destruction of the land, pollution of it along with our water and air, waste of natural resources and exploitation of people is a small price to pay for the many, in order that the very few may make unhampered and unlimited profit.  Government agencies that inspect and regulate such things along with food safety and cost to consumers were obliterated.  Genetically modified foods do not need to be labeled, pharmaceutical companies can charge exorbitant prices for the most needed medicines, the ability to litigate rampant unfairness was taken care of in "tort reform".  Gun owners can buy at will, but voters now have their rights taken away for the sake of "homeland security" and out of the fear of "voter fraud" - thinly veiled gerrymandering of districts for more "right wing" political victories.  People whose homes are unlivable because of oil spills or "fracking", all of which has been done WITHOUT their consent because the government entrusted to protect them allows it (because its owners say so) have their properties purchased by the companies because no one else would buy them, but only if they sign a "gag" order.  Peaceable demonstrations are broken up.  The media has been bought and paid for, so there is hardly ANYONE, except those who print or broadcast by the contributions of citizens, who is blowing ANY whistles about any wrongdoing.  The church is silent.  The church is silent.  The church is compliant.
  Soon, for-profit schools will limit the children who can attend so that the companies that own them can "hire" the children for dollars a day for child labor, and the for-profit prisons will be full if inmates who are shipped out to factories and fields for dollars an hour to work - all because we have privatized everything and have counted on the worshipers of Mammon to "do the right thing".  Of course, these are the same "job creators" who, in the face of a bit less profit during a recession LAID OFF AMERICA, and then complained that making them pay their taxes would hurt Americans because they are "job creators".  These are the ones truly and solely represented in government today, and they want us not to have healthcare or overtime pay or a living wage.  And so the story goes...
Always driven by MORE PROFIT for those who already receive the lion's share, because the nature of greed is that it doesn't matter what one already has - if more is out there, one should have MORE... those at "the top" in wealth and power are systematically, intentionally, ruthlessly pursuing a new "Gilded Age" for the new Robber Barons.  The vision of serfs working for the feudal lord of the corporation is an endearing one to them.  The return to child labor and even (for profit) debtor's prison makes them swell with anticipation.  It is good to be them when it happens, but NOT SO GOOD to be anyone else.
Now it is over-time pay that they will eliminate.  Forget "time and a half" after you have worked your 40 hour week.  The labor unions have already been stripped of enough power to stop most of these initiatives, including this one.  Most can only find part-time work already, so that piece is in place.  Minimum wage will be eliminated, not to usher in a time of a LIVING WAGE, but as in most "right to work states", to employ people but at unsustainable living rates.  Benefits have been lost because that was the aim at hiring people only part-time, and healthcare initiatives that have been passed will continue to be attacked until they are gone, so that employers need not worry about the "cogs in the wheel" at all.  There are fewer jobs even to be had now, because so many were shipped overseas, so that we could exploit children and adults there, but they will bring the jobs back when legislation allows them to return to even lower sub-standard wages for adults and a return to child labor here.  "Illegal" immigrants are now the target for deportation because they will not be needed when other laws enable inmates from private, for-profit prisons to take their place.  Public assistance is being eliminated, while corporate welfare thrives, because one must look to "the company" that bought the government, instead of those who are supposed to represent them/protect their interests in government for one's survival, so that they may be further exploited by "the company".  Perhaps there will also be a return to "the company store" that provides rent, utilities, food, clothing and other necessities, so that prices may be set high enough to keep one under the control of "the company", and if one cannot or will not pay, then the for-profit prison will gladly take him/her/them in and "the company" will benefit from their labors at an even lower rate.  It is a no lose situation for "the company".
The for-profit schools will not be affordable for every child, so more children in the workforce will be added, along with those who cannot cut the expectations they lay out for the children of the elites.  If they do not work, their parents, who used to be able to squeak by with two incomes, but no longer, will end up in debtors' prison and work for $2 per hour for the for-profit prison that makes $15 per hour off their backs, as they are shipped out to factories and corporate farms that alone can make it because the farm bill was killed, and their children will share their fate when they are "of age" or sooner.  Family togetherness will be at the sweatshop, because it no longer takes one breadwinner or even two, but the whole family working just to survive.  Some are not far from that reality already.  Only owners and executives will be able to not only survive, but thrive and live the opulent lifestyles they have deemed appropriate for themselves, because they have successfully bought legislation that makes their exploitation of the masses legal again... oh happy day (for them)...
Student loans will be doubled and re-doubled so that only those with means can afford to pursue higher education, even the "hire education" they had grown accustomed to... those students who WOULD HAVE been being prepared for higher-level jobs will now be forced to work for the sub-standard wages described above, and the "serfdom cha-cha" dance continues also for them.  The very few will have the education, the legislation, the power and the wealth alone, and their philosophy of ruthless greed will have paid off for them.
Owners, executives and stock holders will make HUGE PROFITS on the backs of those who CANNOT MAKE IT... they will be a VERY SMALL CLUB... always getting smaller, so those who now support them, hoping to be inducted or at least to get some of the crumbs from their tables, will awaken to that reality all too late, having already given them the power and wealth they need to buy government and therefore "legitimize" their ruthless exploitation of EVERYONE ELSE.  With no organized labor left, the way is being paved for this (NOT NEW PHENOMENA) RETURN to the "good ole' days" for those who believe they are ENTITLED to their place at "the top", perched up on the heaped ruins of destroyed hopes and dreams below... a return to "the good ole' days" indeed.
And the rest of us will long for a return to our "good ole' days" of being paid a living wage with benefits and adequate time off weekly and yearly, reasonably low student loans so that our children will have the chance of a brighter future and choices in life.
Of course, that would mean less profit for the owners, executives and stock-holders who have worked to cunningly, systematically and ruthlessly to create the environment toward which we are headed at an alarming rate, so that won't happen...

And many of those actively working toward this end claim to be good, American CHRISTIANS.


Pastor Jamie