Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jesus and the "H" word

Clearly, homosexuality is not an issue for Jesus.
The Fulfiller of Law and Prophets, Lord and Savior... King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace...
said a lot about greed, abuses of power, judging others, misusing God's Word, poverty, hunger and the need for people of means to help those who have none... etc., etc... and said NOTHING about homosexuality - the orientation or the act.  How important could it be to our faith or our salvation, if JESUS said nothing about it in ANY of the Gospels?
So, why is it one of the BIG issues in the church today, and among the political/religious right?

Scapegoating... need to blame somebody for our woes... we do not want to deal with economic immorality, especially since greed is so popular, even or especially among clergy...

Relative purity... the desire to point out the sins of someone else or a group of someone elses'... it's the "Jerry Springer" appeal... to watch others and think... "At least I am not them."  If I can point out someone else that EVERYONE who matters thinks is bad, I can look at least not so bad in other areas.

Our need to hate SOMEBODY... this is the last, acceptable group in society to hate, discriminate against, bash (verbally or physically) and disenfranchise... after all, "the Bible says..."

Yet, MOST who claim it is in scripture have never read it themselves, and have certainly not studied scripture in its original language, culture, history and literary truths (even many clergy have not).  But people give all kinds of credibility to those who judge, hate and bear false witness against them... pederasty, adultery and shameful treatment of strangers are addressed...

Even Paul, when summing up his passages on IMPURITY... shares that ANYONE should "Therefore"
not even judge them, because they have the SAME passions and are doing the same things...

Jesus DID say... Do not judge, and you will not be judged!

Jesus doesn't care!  It is not an issue!  Let's be aware of the things that ARE issues to Him in the Gospels, shall we, and concentrate on them?

Jesus is my Savior.  He is also my LORD.  HE is the authority over all the Law and Prophets for me.  How about you?

Pastor Jamie

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