We need to pray for the oppressed - those held down or out or away from power, community or
economic security by those who have those things...
We need to pray for the oppressors - their souls and their well-being is at stake... Rich Fool, Dives, Rich
Young Ruler, Debtor, Evil Tenants - all parables of Jesus about those who have and hoard, have and
ignore those who do not, have so much they cannot follow Him or give any up and who think that
they have the power to treat others poorly... sheep and goats is the lesson of Jesus and those who
refuse to treat "the least" well in society...
We need to pray for the victims - those who have been intentionally hurt for the sake of someone else's
sick desire or personal gain
We need to pray for the victimizers - their souls are in danger... their spirits are sick and they need help
When there is an oppressive system that victimizes people, both the victims and oppressors are locked into it... it warps what is normal, what is good, what is healthy, what is accepted... some, who are not directly victimized are locked into their silence, awaiting their time to be either victims or oppressors... ALL are victims of a system of oppression, for it locks us ALL into a bad system... one cannot hold another down without staying down with him/her (MLK, Jr.)... one cannot hold another out without being locked inside whatever they want to be "inside" with - it becomes their own prison... one cannot hold another away without being locked into the fear of having to hold onto what they do not want the other to have, which takes a lot of energy, fear and focus - locked into their own paranoia and possessiveness.
Pray for EVERYONE in an oppressive system that rewards some and keeps others down and out, that gives unequal opportunities based on ANY differences, that does not offer a "level playing field" education to all students, that does not demand respect for workers but only recognizes employers, that imprisons a disproportionate number of young, black males for profit... that judges people for ANY reasons, vilifies visitors as scapegoats in the land and treats them shamefully, that balances budgets on the backs of those with less and does not demand more of those with the most... if you are a victim, I am praying for you. If you are an oppressor, I am praying for you. If you are someone silent and watching this happen, just hoping to go unscathed or to hold onto your little bit, or in the hopes that one day you will be "in the club", I am praying for you. It is an oppressive system and we ALL play roles in it. My role may be some victimization, but I will not be an oppressor. I will speak, write, vote, demand, protest and pray! My role will not be silence!
Pastor Jamie
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