Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Transformation: a marked, recognizable change
Metamorphosis: a marked change in appearance, character, condition or function.

I believe that I am in the process of transformation.  I attribute some of that to my age and life experience, some of it to a desire to be a better person for God, those whom I love and the world around me, and some to my participation in Landmark Forum and now the seminars.

I believe it is possible to love oneself and still want to be changed.  I believe that I am being "worked on", if not sanctified as a process throughout my life.  I believe that I have a history but need not BE my history, that I am my experience but can seek and find new life experience, and that I am dynamic and not static as a child of God.  God is not static, but very dynamic.  I believe that the Lord IS "the one within whom I live and move and have my being."  I believe that "the Kingdom is within (me)."

I believe that as Jacob the scoundrel could wrestle with God and be transformed to the point at which his name no longer suited him (then Israel), and as Saul the oppressor was blinded by the light of Christ and therefore saw things more clearly, having a metamorphosis that necessitated his name to reflect his new self (Paul), that as Zacchaeus the corrupt official was changed from a corrupt and greedy official to one who restored what he had taken from others... so, it is possible that God can transform me through the people around me, my life experiences now and my consideration of how God is in them.

I believe that I can "(forget) what lies behind and (strain) forward to what lies ahead, press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  It is a striving.  God is in the striving.  I believe the Buddhist tenant that it is not the destination, but rather the journey that we should be present to daily.  I believe that I find God in the moment, that Kairotic time is a real experience, that it is all about what I have, which is right now.  I am being blessed in the striving.

So, to what am I going?  I will know when I arrive, but if I focus on that which I believe is the destination too much I will not experience God in the moments along the way.  I will perhaps go down paths that I have forced or skewed because of my own guiding in it.  I believe I can have goals and yet be open to other possibilities, and create new possibilities that are in alignment with God's will for me and those around me.  You see, I believe for ALL of us, our path intersects the paths of others around us (family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers), and our lives are made more complete.  Just as Peter's shadow fell on people in Jerusalem and they were healed, so the shadow of our lives falls on the lives of others, and they are made more complete or whole by it... and the other way around... THAT is how God works - through us with each other!

I want to live in a world that is FULL of the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  If I want to live in such a world, I need to be transformed to LIVE those things... to PUT THAT OUT THERE in the world around me, regardless of what others around me may be putting out there...

So here is to transformation - to me being the best me that I can be... to me putting out in the world good things around me for the sake of those around me in it... to me creating possibilities for my life that will touch, inspire, move and encourage others around me to be the best them they can be and put good things out in the world around them... one person at a time... one encounter, one conversation, one interaction, one demonstration of the good stuff... that is how the WORLD is transformed to be a place of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. gentleness and self-control.

What are you putting out there?
Pastor Jamie


  1. Earlier today I was watching FOX News. I know.... but sometimes it can be interesting! Comments from news reporters today stated that Americans were disappointed both in the Republican and Democratic parties and had lost confidence in the President because of the state of the economy. It became obvious to me that individuals have no problems blaming other individuals. Maybe instead hearing or using the word "Change" in our political stand today, the word, Transformation, instead would give a deeper meaning to help us all understand that we are ALL responsible to help move each other in power directions.

    Transformation would dictate to us that instead of blaming, we create a space where great possibilities can happen and all can benefit. Transformation is never static, it never points blame, or find judgement. It gets involve and it makes a difference. Transformation is not selfish.

    One should not have to suffer in order for the other to gain. I do believe that ALL can live powerful lives. Can you imagine? Because of our transformation...ALL would benefit. How awesome would that be??!!!

  2. yes! transformation means that a fundamental difference in how things are is at hand... how exciting is that, especially when things are not going so well or working so well for many people... I believe the benefit WOULD be for everyone in the long run and on the larger scale... we are too used to looking at our own, little piece... our own, little concern... getting or keeping our little piece... and that does not take others into account... we NEED transformation
